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Read Government of India Act 1935  251   Staff of High Commissioner and Auditor of Indian Home Accounts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  252   Conditions of service of existing staff of High Commissioner and Auditor of Indian Home Accounts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  253   Judges of the Federal Court and High Courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  254   District judges etc  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  255   Subordinate civil judicial service  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  256   Subordinate criminal magistracy  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  257   Officers of political department  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  258   Provision for protection of existing officers of certain Services  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  259   Provisions as to certain persons serving in or before 1924  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  260   General provisions as to persons retiring before commencement of Part III  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  261   Secretary of State to act with concurrence of his advisers  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  262   Eligibility for office of persons who are not British subjects  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  263   Joint services and posts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  264   Public Service Commissions  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  265   Composition and staff of Commissions  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  266   Functions of Public Service Commissions  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  267   Power to extend functions of Public Service Commissions  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  268   Expenses of Public, Service Commission  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  269   Provisions as to chaplains  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  270   Indemnity for past acts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  271   Protection of public servants against prosecution and suits  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  272   Provisions ns to payment of certain pensions and exemption of those pensions from taxation in India  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  273   Provisions as to fancily pension funds  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  274   Saving for certain Fronds Acts. 29 and 30 Vict. c. 18. 37 and 38 Vict c. 12. 45 and 46 Vict. c. 45  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  275   Persons not to be disqualified by sex for holding certain offices  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  276   Transitional provisions  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  277   Interpretation, &c  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  278   Advisers to Secretary of State  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  279   Existing accounts of Secretary of State in Council with Bank of England  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  280   Organisation and expenses of India Office  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  281   Transfer of existing personnel  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  282   Contributions from revenues of Federation  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  283   Liability for pensions in respect of service before commencement of Part III  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  284   Provision as to certain India Office provident funds  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  285   Saving for rights and obligations of the Crown in its relations with Indian States  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  286   Use of His Majesty's forces in connection with discharge of the functions of the Crown in its relations with Indian States  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  287   Arrangements for Governors and Provincial staff to assist in discharging functions of Political Department  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  288   Aden  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  289   Creation of new Provinces of Sind and Orissa  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  290   Creation of new Provinces and alterations of boundaries of Provinces  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  291   Power of His Majesty to make provision with respect to franchises and elections  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  292   Existing law of India to continue in force  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  293   Adaptation of existing Indian laws. &c  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  294   Foreign jurisdiction  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  295   Provisions as to death sentences  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  296   Courts of appeal in revenue matters  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  297   Prohibition of certain restrictions on internal trade  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  298   Persons not to be subjected to disability by reason of race, religion, etc  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  299   Compulsory acquisition of land, etc.  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  300   Protection for certain rights, privileges, and pensions.  Cases

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