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Read Name Section Definition Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  201   Salaries, &c. of judges  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  202   Temporary appointment of acting Chief Justice  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  203   Seat of Federal Court  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  204   Original jurisdiction of Federal Court  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  205   Appellate jurisdiction of Federal Court in appeals from High Courts in British India  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  206   Potter of Federal Legislature to enlarge appellate jurisdiction  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  207   Appellate jurisdiction of Federal Court in appeals from High Courts in Federated States  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  208   Appeals to His Majesty in Council  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  209   Form of judgment on appeal  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  210   Enforcement of decrees and orders of Federal Court and orders as to discovery, &c  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  211   Letters of request to .Federated States  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  212   Law declared by Federal Court and Privy Council to be binding on all courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  213   Power of Governor-Central to consult Federal Court  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  214   Rules of court, &c  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  215   Ancillary powers of Federal Court  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  216   Expenses of Federal Court  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  217   Construction of references to High Courts in Stales  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  218   Swings  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  219   Meaning of " High Court"  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  220   Constitution of High Courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  221   Salaries, &c. of judges  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  222   Temporary and additional judges  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  223   Jurisdiction of existing High Courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  224   Administrative functions of Nigh Courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  225   Transfer of certain cases to High Court for trial  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  226   Jurisdiction bit revenue matters  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  227   Proceedings of High Courts to be in British  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  228   Expenses of High Courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  229   Power of His Majesty to constitute or reconstitute High Court by letters patent  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  230   Extra provincial jurisdiction of High Courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  231   Saving and definitions  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  232   Pay &c., of Commander-in-Chief  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  233   Control of His Majesty as to defence appointments  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  234   Eligibility for commissions in Indian Forces  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  235   Control of Secretary of State with respect to conditions of service  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  236   Saving of rights of appeal  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  237   Pay &c., of members of Purees to be charged on Federal revenues  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  238   Provisions as to the certain civilian personnel  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  239   Kings India cadetships  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  240   Tenure of office of persons employed in civil capacities in India  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  241   Recruitment and conditions of service  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  242   Application of preceding section to railway, customs, postal and Telegraph services, and officials of courts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  243   Special provisions as to police  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  244   Services recruited by Secretary of State  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  245   Special provisions as to irrigation  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  246   Reserved posts  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  247   Conditions of service, pensions, &c. of persons recruited by Secretary of State  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  248   Rights in respect of complaints appeals, etc  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  249   Compensation  Cases
Read Government of India Act 1935  250   Application of four last preceding sections to persons appointed by Secretary of State in Council, and certain other persons  Cases

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