of Punjab, Weekly, Part-III, 11th October, 2023]
No. 14011/2023/PbBC. Whereas, it is expedient to provide for regulating the business of Bar Associations
to ensure efficient performance and whereas the circumstances render it
necessary to formulate Rules of Business of Bar Associations.
Therefore in exercise
of the powers conferred by Section 56 of the Legal Practitioners and Bar
Council Act, 1973, (Act XXXV of 1973), the Punjab Bar Council is pleased to
make the following Rules:--
1. (a) These Rules shall be called “Memorandum of
Association, 2023”.
(b) It shall come into force with effect from
05 August, 2023.
(c) It shall apply to all the Bar Associations
of the province of the Punjab including the High Court Bar Associations,
District Bar Associations & Tehsil Bar Associations.
2. An
Association of Advocates at the Principal seat and all benches of the Lahore
High Court, District Bar Associations at District headquarters,
Tehsil/Sub-Divisional Bar Associations at Tehsil headquarters, recognized as
such by the Punjab Bar Council, shall be known as Bar Association.
3. Objects. The objects of the Bar Association are, inter alia, to:--
(a) struggle for the civic liberties, human
rights and rule of law;
(b) strive to remove any difficulty or
hardship faced by the legal profession;
(c) carry out and implement, in letter and
spirit, the instructions or decisions of the Punjab Bar Council made from time
to time;
(d) protect and safeguard the rights,
interests and privileges of the Members;
(e) struggle for the implementation of the
spirit of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973;
4. It shall be the primary duty of every
Advocate to abide by, and adhere to, these Memorandum of Associations, and all
other applicable laws. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,
every Advocate shall, inter alia,:
(i) act without fear or
favour for just cause of his clients;
(ii) devote himself to the
cause of his client diligently and with assiduous application of his mind;
(iii) not accept or resort to
any favour at the cost of his integrity, morality and legal propriety;
(iv) fight against corruption
wherever found and against illegal favour from whatever source offered;
(v) reasonably strive to appoint as Clerk / Munshi,
a person of good repute and not previously convicted of any offence involving
moral turpitude;
(vi) be mindful of the attorney-client privilege,
and carry out his clientele obligations honestly, justly and fairly.
5. In
this Memorandum of Association, unless there is anything repugnant to the
context, the following words shall have the means assigned to them:-
(a) “Act” means the Legal Practitioners
and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (Act XXXV of 1973);
(b) “Advocate” means an advocate whose
name is borne on the Rolls of Advocate maintained by the Punjab Bar Council and
Pakistan Bar Council;
(c) “Advocate-General” means the
Advocate-General of the Punjab;
(d) “Annual Account Report” means
report prepared by the Auditor of Bar Association and approved by Executive
Committee of Bar Association, including the audit report mentioned in Rule 91
of the Memorandum of Association, 2023;
(e) “Annual Meeting” means the meeting
of the house convened for the approval of the report of annual accounts, audit
reports, and reports on the performance of the Association;
(f) “Bar Association” means High Court
Bar Association at High Court Principal seat and at all Benches of the Lahore
High Court, all District Bar Associations and Tehsil Bar Associations in the
province of Punjab, recognized as such by Punjab Bar Council;
(g) “Bar Council” means
the Punjab Bar Council;
(h) “Committee” means a
Committee constituted by the Bar Association or by the President thereof in
accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules framed thereunder;
(i) “Election Board”
means Election Board constituted under Rule 46 of the Memorandum of
Association, 2023;
(j) “Eligible Candidate” means a
practicing member of concerned Bar Association, who fulfills the requirement of
the candidate for a specific seat of office bearer described under Rule 45-D of
the Memorandum of Association, 2023;
Provided that a member cannot
contest any election of Bar Association if he:-
= Was dismissed or removed or
compulsory retired from the service of, inter alia, Government or semi
government or a public statutory corporation or autonomous body or from any
public or private registered company etc;
= Has been convicted for any
= Has been guilty of
professional misconduct by Bar Council or misconduct tribunal as per the
provisions of the Act and the Rules framed thereunder;
= Has been declared a tout;
= Is discharged insolvent.
further that at the time of submission of nomination papers, the Candidates of
all specific seats, shall submit certified copies of the orders / judgments of
the cases conducted by them, before the Election Board as mentioned in the Rule
45-D of the Memorandum of Association, 2023;
(k) “Eligible Voter” means an advocate
whose name is on the roll of Punjab Bar Council regarding the voter list of the
concerned Bar Association as a voter, who also fulfills the requirement of Rule
46-B of the Memorandum of Association, 2023;
(l) “Emergent Meeting”
means a meeting of the House on the requisition of the members under the
Memorandum of Association;
(m) “Form” means form
appended to the Rules;
(n) “General Meeting”
means a meeting of the House convened to deal with the ordinary business of the
(o) “Meeting” means the
meetings of the General House, Executive Committee and its sub-Committees;
(p) “Office Bearer”
means President, Vice-President(s), Secretary, Joint Secretary, Finance
Secretary, Library Secretary, Auditor and Members of the Executive Committee,
as may be elected under the Memorandum of Association 2023, or any other
person, to whom all or any of the functions of an office bearer for the time
being are assigned by the Executive Committee of the Bar Association:-
Provided that
the Members of the Punjab Bar Council by virtue of their office, shall be the
Ex-officio members of the Executive Committee of the Bar Association to which
they are representing.
Provided that
the Bar Associations may enhance the seat of Vice Presidents with the approval
of the general house of the Bar Association concerned and the approval of the
Executive Committee of the Punjab Bar Council, while considering the number of
strength of the advocates, available on the roll of Punjab Bar Council.
(q) “President”,
“Vice-President(s)”, “Secretary”, “Joint Secretary”, “Finance Secretary”,
“Library Secretary”, “Auditor”, “Member Executive Committee”, mean the
President, Vice-President(s), Secretary, Joint Secretary, Finance Secretary,
Library Secretary, Auditor and Member Executive Committee of the Bar
Association elected under the Memorandum of Association 2023;
(r) “Regular Member”
means a member of the High Court Bar Association, District Bar Association or
Tehsil Bar Association, who is not a salaried employee or employee of
government or semi-government or in any public or private company or engaged in
any business or vocation etc;
(s) “Section” means a section of the
Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (Act XXXV of 1973);
(t) “Special Meetings” means a meeting
of the General House convened for special purposes.
6. Eligibility of Membership. All Advocates on the roll of the Pakistan Bar
Council and Punjab Bar Council and practicing regularly shall be entitled to
become member of any one Bar Association.
Provided that fresh entrants to the profession shall be deemed to be
practicing regularly for the foregoing purpose.
7. (1) Mode of Admission. An Advocate
will seek membership of a Bar Association by paying:--
a. Rs.
_______, as admission fee; and
b. Rs.
_______, as monthly subscription, by 10th of each month.
(2) Every Bar Association may charge prescribed fee for admission as
well as monthly subscription, as decided by the Executive Committee or General
House of the Bar Association.
8. (1) Application for membership shall be
made to the Secretary along with a photo copy of the enrollment certificate,
CNIC, an affidavit submitting no engagement or involvement in any service,
profession, business or vocation etc, and a photograph. Secretary shall place
it before the Executive Committee of Bar Association, who shall, after perusal,
grant membership.
(2) Every Advocate shall seek membership within six months of his
enrolment with the Bar Council. In case membership of a Bar Association is not
sought by an Advocate within six (06) months of enrolment, he may be admitted,
subject to such conditions as may be determined by the Bar Council.
(3) In such situation,
the advocate will apply before the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council,
and seek extension of time in this regard, while showing sufficient cause,
subject to deposit the fine, which may extend to ten thousands rupees.
(4) Application for
membership shall not be decided by the Executive Committee of Bar Association,
unless the applicant/ Advocate has been given an opportunity of hearing. In
case the application is rejected, the Executive Committee of Bar Association
shall record reasons for doing so in writing and a copy thereof shall be
supplied to the applicant within 07 days, free of cost from the date of the
communication of the order.
9. (1) Against the order passed by the Executive Committee of the Bar
Association, an appeal shall lie to the Executive Committee of the Punjab Bar
Council within 30-days.
(2) Executive Committee Punjab Bar Council may pass an injunctive order,
and thereafter reject the appeal, in the alternative, admit the Advocate,
subject to such conditions as may be determined by the Bar Council.
10. (1) By virtue of the membership of a Bar
Association, every advocate shall be entitled to the services and amenities of
Bar Association.
(2) Members of other Bar Associations in province of Punjab will be
entitled to amenities, admissible to the regular member of Bar Association
concerned, but, he will not be entitled to be a voter member of that Bar
Association and will not be entitled to participate in the election of other Bar
(3) Members of other Bar Associations will not be entitled for allotment
of the chamber / seat through allotment by the Bar Association.
11. No Advocate shall be eligible to practice
unless he is a member of a Bar Association as per provisions of the Act and the
rules framed thereunder, at the place at which he ordinarily practices.
12. Constitution. A Bar Association shall consist of a
President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Joint Secretary, Finance Secretary,
Library Secretary, Auditor and Members of the Executive Committee.
Provided that the Executive Committee shall not consist of more than ten
(10) members.
12-A. Recognition of Bar
Association. Every Bar
Association will be recognized under chapter VII (Bar Association) of the
Punjab Legal Practitioners & Bar Council Rules, 2023.
13. Absence due to illness etc of
a Member. No subscription
shall be paid by a Member who had discontinued practice or was absent from his
ordinary place of business for a considerable period; provided, that he or on
his behalf, any person had informed the Secretary to that effect within three
Provided further that if such information is not received within the
time prescribed, the Member shall automatically cease to be the Member:
Provided further that the
removal of membership of an advocate shall be restored by the Executive
Committee of Bar Association subject to the payment of the outstanding dues, or
any penalty that may be imposed.
Provided further that
against such decision of the Executive Committee of the Bar Association, the
aggrieved Advocate may file an appeal before the Executive Committee of the
Punjab Bar Council within 30-days.
14. Defaulters. A member, who fails to pay his monthly
subscription for three consecutive months, shall, after the expiry of the last
day of the 3rd month, cease to be a Member of the Bar Association:
Provided that such
Member may apply for restoration of his membership on making payment of the
outstanding arrears due from him in addition thereto such penalty as determined
by the President or Executive Committee and on payment, his membership shall be
restored by the President or the Executive Committee, accordingly:
Provided further that
if such member does not apply for restoration within two months, after he had
ceased to be a member, Secretary shall report to the Bar Council or Pakistan
Bar Council, recommending removal of his name from the Roll of the Advocates.
Provided further that Executive Committee of the Bar Council on filing
of appeal against the said order of Bar Associations will restore the
membership and the name of the advocate on the roll, subject to deposit of
fine, which may extend to ten thousands rupees.
15. (1) Expulsion from Membership. The
Executive Committee of Bar Association or General House may expel a member from
the membership of the Bar Association on the following grounds:-
(a) guilty of misconduct;
(b) objectionable behaviour;
(c) actions against the
interests of the Bar Association;
(2) The matter of expulsion shall not be placed before the General House
unless it has been initiated by not less than 1/3rd majority of the total
membership or 100 members, whichever is the less.
(3) An appeal against such expulsion shall lie to the Executive
Committee of the Bar Council within a period of 30 days.
15-A. The Executive Committee of the Bar Council
shall forthwith suspend the membership in the Bar Association of an Advocate,
or suspend the licence of an Advocate or cease the status of an Office Bearer
of any Bar Association, if the Advocate concerned or the Office Bearer, as the
case may be, violates the decisions/directions of the Pakistan Bar Council or
the Punjab Bar Council, or impairs the cause of the legal fraternity, or
impairs the cause of the Bar Associations or misuses his office.
16. An Advocate, as a matter of right, shall be eligible to appear in Courts
without robe in Criminal or Civil litigation pending for or against him.
17. President. (1) (a) The President shall be responsible for ensuring
due compliance of the provisions of the Act and the rules framed thereunder, as
well as the Constitution of the Bar Association;
(b) He shall convene and preside over a
meeting of the Bar Association and the Executive Committee;
(c) He shall have a casting vote;
(d) He shall after receiving a complaint from
a member about misbehaviour of any of the functionaries of the subordinate
judiciary, personally take up the matter with the authorities to resolve it
amicably and if not settled and he is of the opinion that it needs to be placed
before the General House he may pass such orders;
(e) He shall refer a complaint received
against a member of Bar Association containing allegations of misconduct or
misbehaviour, to the Executive Committee and if the Executive Committee
recommends that the matter needs probe by the Bar Association, he shall refer
the matter to any committee of Bar Association or the General House;
(f) He shall place before the General House a
complaint for consideration as to declaring the person complained against, to
be or not to be a Tout, in special meeting convened for the purpose, in
accordance with the provision of S.59 of the Legal Practitioners and Bar
Councils Act, 1973;
(g) He shall maintain the dignity and prestige
of the profession and lawyers;
(h) He shall have right to incur and sanction
expenditure upto Rs.100000/- from the funds of the Association and if the
expenditure exceeds Rs.100000/- he shall place the matter before the Executive
Committee for its approval;
(i) He shall convene a meeting of the
Executive Committee on the requisition signed by not less than five members of
the Executive Committee. However, any meeting of General House may only be
convened on a requisition, signed by members, not less than 1/10th
of the total membership of the Bar Association available on the roll of the Bar
(j) President will operate the bank accounts
of the Bar Association along with the Secretary. In case of absence of the
President or the Secretary, the Executive Committee of the Bar Association
through resolution or decision may authorize one office bearer to run the
account with the Secretary or President, as the case may be, subject to certain
conditions / limitations;
(k) He shall exercise controlling powers over
the employees of the Bar Association;
(I) He shall have the disciplinary control
over the Clerks / Munshis of the members of the Bar Association;
(m) He shall satisfy himself of the
qualification and conduct of the clerks/munshis of the Members of the
Bar Association;
(n) He shall, after being satisfied, cause to
be issued Identity Cards to the Clerks / Munshis of the Members of the
Bar Association;
(o) He shall have the power to constitute new
committees as he may deem necessary for the performance of the functions of the
Bar Association;
(p) President and Secretary, at the end of
their tenure, shall hand over all the cash, cheque books, minutes book, audit
report, inventory register of Bar Association, and all other related documents
to the new elected President and Secretary of Bar Association;
(q) President and Secretary of the Bar
Association shall remain duty bound to ensure the annual account report and
audit of the Bar Association under Rule 91 of the Memorandum of Association,
2023 is carried out;
(r) President and Secretary of Bar Association
will issue the completion certificate of the Bar Vocational Course to the
trainee advocates;
18. Vice-President. (1) The Vice-President, in the absence of
the President shall exercise all the powers and duties of the President, except
financial powers and power to sanction expenditure etc.
(2) In absence of both
(President & Vice President), the Members of the Executive Committee, with
majority votes, will nominate one of member, to exercise the powers and duties
of the President temporarily, unless elected or nominated as per the provisions
of the Act or rules framed thereunder.
19. Secretary. Secretary shall have the confidence and
co-operation of all the Members of Association in properly maintaining the
welfare and prestige of the Bar Association. It shall be the duty of the
Secretary to:--
(1) Personally attend to
conduct and sign all correspondence on behalf of the Bar Association;
(2) Control and manage the
(3) Look to the maintenance
and upkeep of the library, Bar room and furniture of the Bar Association;
(4) Call all ordinary,
emergent and general meetings of the Bar Association and the Executive
Committee and record their minutes;
(5) Maintain an upto-date
record of the clerks and munshis and check their credentials after every
three months;
(6) Maintain the list of touts
(declared by Courts or by the Executive Committee etc);
(7) Arrange and manage all
social, cultural and academic functions;
(8) Take action against the defaulters
according to the Act and rules framed thereunder;
(9) Maintain list of members
debarred from using the library under the Library Rules, and display their
names on the notice board;
(10) Make payments sanctioned by
the Executive Committee;
(11) Deposit all amounts of the
Bar Association in the Bank accounts, authorized by the Executive Committee;
(12) Check the library and its
register at least once a month;
(13) Call general meeting under
Rule 57 or under Rules 62 & 80 when requisitioned either by the members or
the Account sub-Committee under Rule 38 for the submission of accounts of the
Association after every three months;
(14) Initiate all proceedings
against the touts defined under 59 of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils
Act, 1973 and under Rule 17(f) of the Memorandum of Association, 2023, either
on its own motion or on allegation received by him;
(15) To convene all meetings under the Act and
the Rules framed thereunder;
(16) Secretary of Bar Association is the
custodian of all the minutes book, registers, records of meetings, account
register, cheque books, audit reports, inventories etc;
(17) Secretary will operate the bank accounts of
the Bar Association alongwith the President. In case on any absence, the
Executive Committee of the Bar Association through resolution or decision may
authorize one office bearer to run the account with the President subject to
certain conditions / limitations;
(18) Secretary and President, at the end of the
tenure, shall hand over all cash, cheque books, minutes book, audit report,
inventory register of Bar Association, and all other related documents to the
new elected President and Secretary of Bar Association;
(19) Secretary and President of the Bar
Association shall remain duty bound to ensure the annual account report and
audit of the Bar Association under Rule 91 of the Memorandum of Association,
2023 is carried out;
20. The Secretary shall maintain the following registers and books of
accounts in such forms and manner as the Executive Committee may direct, from
time to time, and the same shall be correctly and diligently kept:--
(1) The Constitution.
(2) Register of the members of the Bar
(3) Accounts Books:-
a. Money Receipt Register,
b. Expenditure Register,
c. Bank Pass Book,
d. Cheque Book,
e. Receipt Register,
(4) Library Registers:-
a. Library Register,
b. Register of Books in the library,
c. Issue and Receipt Register,
(5) Establishment Register.
(6) Stock Register.
(7) Register of the general meetings.
(8) Register of the Executive Committee
(9) Notice Register.
(10) Correspondence Register.
(11) Files of the Association.
(12) Register of complaints
against members etc.
(13) Defaulters register showing
money dues on subscription and an other register. Fines imposed and realized
from members as price of books lost/damaged, or failure to return books in time
and price of library books declared lost or damaged by him.
(14) All other registers under
the provisions of the Act and the rules framed thereunder.
(15) Secretary will maintain a
register of the trainee advocate, who have submitted their intimation to the
Bar Council for compulsory training and for Bar Vocational Course for enrolment
and record.
(16) President and Secretary of
Bar Association will issue the completion certificate of the Bar Vocational
Course to the trainee/advocate.
21. Secretary shall, at close of his tenure,
hand over all the registers of the Bar Association to the newly elected
Secretary after it has been checked.
22. Joint Secretary. Joint Secretary, in the absence of the
Secretary, shall exercise the powers and duties assigned to the Secretary
except the financial powers, unless authorized by competent authority /
Executive Committee.
22-A. Library secretary. Library secretary will exercise the powers
as under:-
(1) Library Secretary shall
ensure the compliance of the Library Rules (Rule 68-to-84) mentioned in the
Memorandum of Association 2023;
(2) Library Secretary shall be
responsible for the efficient and proper maintenance of the Bar Library;
(3) Library Secretary will put
the names of the members of Library Committee in the first meeting of the
Executive Committee, constituted under Rule 68 of the Memorandum of
Association, 2023;
(4) Library Secretary shall
maintain the registers of the library;
22-B. Auditor. Auditor will exercise the powers as under:-
(1) To ensure the compliance of his duties
delegated to him/her under the Act and the Rules framed thereunder;
(2) To prepare the report of record of the
income and expenditure on quarterly basis;
(3) To forward the said report
to the Finance Committee of the Punjab Bar Council, if he found some
misappropriation, embezzlement or corruption etc in bar funds;
(4) To prepare the annual
audit report of the Bar Association;
(5) To present the said annual
audit report to the Executive Committee;
(6) To forward the audit
report of chartered accountant to the Finance Committee of the Punjab Bar
(7) To ensure that the annual
audit of the Bar Association is carried out;
23. Vacancy. (1) If the office of the President and
Secretary of any Bar Association becomes vacant during the existing term, prior
to 30th September of each year after election, then fresh election
shall be announced by the chairman election board within 15 days and will
announce the schedule of the fresh election for the said year (Remaining
(2) If new election
board is not announced, then the election board constituted for the preceding
elections shall perform its duties again for smooth process of the elections.
23-A. (1) If the office of an Office Bearer, except the President and
Secretary, becomes vacant during the existing term, then the office bearer will
be considered as elected in the following circumstances:-
(a) If the office of President becomes vacant
during the existence of his term after 30th September of existing
year, the next higher to be elected as President, and in his absence, the next
higher, as it is available. However, if the next higher get less than 10% of
total casting vote in the election, then the vice president will be considered
as president and exercise all the powers of president;
(b) If the office of vice president becomes
vacant during the existence of his term, the next higher to be elected as vice
president, and in his absence, the next higher, as it is available. However, if
the next higher get less than 10% of total casting vote in the election, then
the Executive Committee of Bar Association shall elect or choose vice president
from members of Executive Committee for the remaining period, In such
situation, he will exercise all the powers of vice president;
(c) If the office of Secretary becomes vacant
during the existence of his term after 30 September of existing year, the next
higher to be elected as Secretary, and in his absence, the next higher, as it
is available. However, if the next higher get less than 10% of total casting
vote in the election, then Joint Secretary will perform the duties of the
Secretary for the whole remaining period;
(d) If the office of joint Secretary, library
Secretary, finance Secretary, auditor becomes vacant during the existence of
his term, the next higher to be elected as, and in his absence, the next
higher, as it is available. In case of non availability, the Executive
Committee of Bar Association will elect one of his member for this office for
the remaining period;
(e) If the office of member Executive
Committee becomes vacant during the existence of his term, the next higher to
be elected as member Executive Committee. In his absence, the next higher, as
it is available. In case of non availability, the president will nominate any
bar member as member Executive Committee, who fulfills the requirements as per
law and rules;
24. Executive Committee. There shall be constituted an Executive
Committee, consisting of the following Members:--
(1) President
(2) Vice President(s)
(3) Secretary
(4) Joint Secretary
(5) Finance Secretary
(6) Library Secretary
(7) Auditor
(8) Member Executive
Provided that the Executive Committee shall not consist of more than ten
(10) members.
25. Powers and Duties of
Executive Committee. Executive
Committee shall be the in charge and responsible for the affairs of the Bar
Association. It shall have the following powers and duties:--
(a) To employ, suspend, reprimand and to
dismiss an employee of the Bar Association;
(b) To fix or to modify their emoluments,
grades, conditions of service, increments, special allowances;
(c) Sanction expenditure exceeding
(d) To perform under the Rule 23-A of the
Memorandum of Association, 2023;
(e) To impose an emergent subscription of
donation to meet extraordinary expenses;
(f) To maintain such establishment for the
Bar Association as it may deem necessary;
(g) Executive Committee shall examine the
statements of income and expenditure as and when it may deem necessary and
shall submit report to the General House for its approval;
(h) Executive Committee or the President shall
supervise to see cleanliness and hygienic condition of the Bar Canteen;
(i) Executive Committee shall enquire and
report on all matters referred to it by the President relating to the conduct
of the Members of the Bar Association, or of the Clerks / Munshis of
members of the Bar Association or an employee of the Bar Association and shall
ask the individual effected to appear before it, and shall refer the matter to
the General House, if the decision of the Executive Committee is
unconstitutional and relief is denied;
(j) To initiate proceedings against touts ;
(k) To check the record of the Library books;
(l) To ensure the medical facilities to the
members in emergent condition;
(m) To establish a medical fund for the
lawyer’s on permanent basis under the Punjab Advocates Welfare Fund Rules,
(n) To maintain the canteen for the lawyer’s,
clerks and the litigants separately as convenient;
(o) To ensure the transfer of the already
allotted chambers of the lawyers by the lawyers themselves or by their legal
heirs as per his personal law, in a transparent manners to the lawyer’s, or
delegate the powers to any executive member/ members or establish a committee
of not less than three members from the Executive Committee in this regard;
(p) To examine the bar accounts and approved
the monthly reports, quarterly reports and annual reports etc, stated the
available balance amount and expenditure in bar accounts;
(q) To examine the audit reports produced by
the auditor under Rule 22-B and Audit Reports under Rule 91 of the Memorandum
of Association, 2023;
(r) Executive Committee shall also fix rates
of commodities at subsidized rates, to be supplied to the Members in the bar
26. Finance Secretary:-
(i) Finance Secretary shall prepare the
budget, for the year showing expected income and expenditure for the whole year
and put it in the meeting of the Executive Committee, within one month of the
commencement of the term;
(ii) Finance Secretary shall prepare quarterly
reports of the accounts of the Bar Association for the approval of the
Executive Committee and display it on the notice board of the Bar Association;
(iii) Finance Secretary shall report for action
to the President and Secretary, of any default or misappropriation found in the
(iv) Finance Secretary will provide all details
and register of the bar funds to the Auditor, audit company or chartered
accountant which may be;
27. Library Committee. The Library Committee shall consist of five
members. The library Secretary will be the chairman of the committee and four
senior Members of the Bar Association appointed by the Executive Committee in
its first meeting. The library committee will be responsible:--
(a) To check all books issue-able and non
(b) To check if the books are properly issued
and received back in time;
(c) To suggest action against the defaulting
(d) To put his suggestions regarding the
purchase of new books for the Bar Association;
(e) To ensure the
establishment of E-Library in the Bar Association and its working;
(f) To ensure the supply of
the PLJ LAW SITE for the members of the bar, which is already provided by the
Punjab Bar Council to all the Bar Associations in the province of Punjab free
of cost;
28. (1) A general meeting of the House shall be
convened by the President for the disposal of all matters for which the
approval or sanction of the general house is necessary under the Act or rules
framed thereunder.
(2) Quorum of the general house meeting shall be 1/3rd of the total
membership or 10% of total strength of Bar Association, as per the roll of the
Bar Council relating to the concerned Bar Association, except the quorum
mentioned in the other provisions of the Act and Rules framed thereunder.
(3) The presence of the bar members will be marked in the attendance
sheet with their name and signature.
29. President and in his absence, the
Vice-President, shall convene a meeting of the Bar Association requisitioned in
writing by at least 100 members or 10 % of total membership of Bar Association,
whichever is less. In case of a Bar Association having more than one thousand
members, by 250 members or 10 % of total membership of Bar Association
whichever is less. In case of District Bar Association, not less than five
hundred members or 10 % of total strength of Bar Association which is less, on
the roll of Punjab Bar Council, within seven days of the requisition. But, in
case the requisitioned meeting is not convened within the seven days of the
requisition, then any ten members of the requisitionists may fix the date which
is not later than five days and also forward the proceedings to the Executive
Committee of the Punjab Bar Council through registered post. Any two members
out of said ten, may convene the requisitioned meeting and forward the whole
proceedings to the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council for compliance of
the said order / proceedings.
Provided that if the said proceedings related to financial corruption or
misappropriation of the bar funds, then the Executive Committee Punjab Bar
Council will initiate criminal proceedings against the related persons/office
bearer under the provisions of the Act, rules and Pakistan Penal Code, 1860
through Secretary Punjab Bar Council or any other authorized person or any
member of Bar Association concerned.
30. All authority under the rules shall vest in
the General House of the Bar Association as considered by the Members assembled
in the General House Meeting. The General House shall act through President and
the Executive Committee, elected under the rules and Memorandum of Association,
31. The first meeting of the General House shall
be convened through the Executive Committee within one month of the
commencement of the term, and no later than the second Saturday of the February
of the year. Finance Secretary, after approval of the Executive Committee of
the Bar Association, shall present the annual budget of the Association.
32. The budgetary funds, so allocated, shall not
be varied, reduced or increased except the prior approval of the Executive
Committee and final approval of the General House.
33. The Annual General Meeting of the House
shall be held in the third Saturday of the December every year for the approval
of the report on the annual Accounts or budget reports and the performance of
the Bar Association.
Provided that after annual general meeting, no construction work, lunch,
dinner or any other function or work is permissible from the bar funds. Only
routine expenditure, monthly salary of the employees of the Bar Association or
any tea party is permissible from the funds of the Bar Association.
Provided that if members of the Bar Association want to hold any
function or dinner or lunch etc, they can collect funds independently for these
34. Secretary shall place copies of all the
relevant documents to be prescribed before the House a week before the
discussion, and place the details on the notice board for the information of
the members.
35. (1) Notice of not less than seven days,
shall be given to members of the Bar Association for Special Meeting or General
Meeting. Such notices shall be given by:--
(a) Pasting of the notice on
the notice board of the Bar Association;
(b) By circulating the notice
/ book register to all the members of the Bar Association, giving the agenda of
the meeting;
(2) Notice of meeting
shall be given to members for an emergent meeting for a period not less than 48
36. Non-compliance
of above procedure shall not render the proceedings of any meetings as
irregular or void on account of failure of notice to any individual member.
37. (1)
For the meeting of the Committee, the quorum shall be 1/3rd of total
(2) For the meeting of
the Executive Committee, ½ of the total membership.
(3) For the meeting of
the General House of the Bar Association, the quorum shall be at least 100
members or 10 % of total membership of Bar Association, available on the roll
of the Bar Council, whichever is less. In case of a Bar Association, having more
than one thousand members available on the roll of Punjab Bar Council, by 250
members or 10 % of total membership of Bar Association whichever is less.
38. All
special or General Meetings under the rules shall be presided over by the
President or in his absence by the Vice-President. In the absence of the both,
it shall be presided over by the senior member elected by the members of
Executive Committee of Bar Association present in the meeting.
Provided that in
requisitioned meeting, procedure mentioned under rule 29 of Memorandum of
Association, 2023 will be followed.
39. The
President or the person presiding over a meeting shall have full authority to
regulate the proceedings under the rules and to maintain order in such manner
as he may deem fit.
40. All
the proceedings of the meetings shall be recorded verbatim in the register by
the Secretary and signed by the President or the member presiding.
41. All
resolutions shall be determined by simple majority votes, when equally divided,
the President shall have to cast the vote.
42. No
resolution to question the conduct or character of any member of the Bar or to
vary or add to or to amend any Rule of the Association shall be moved in House
unless two-third members on its roll are present in special or general meeting
convened for the said purpose. No resolution shall be deemed to have been
carried or passed unless not less than three fourth of the members present
shall have voted for the same.
43. In
case any resolution is moved regarding the conduct of a member, the votes shall
be by secret ballots. Ballots signed and dated by the President shall be
distributed to the members present who shall write on the reverse of it “yes or
no”. The members shall cast their individual votes in the ballot box. The
decision shall be announced by the President who shall communicate it to the
Punjab Bar Council if it is adverse to the member, for appropriate action.
44. All
other matters brought before the General House shall be decided by simple
majority and shall be binding on all the members of the Association. Such
voting shall ordinarily be by show of hands except in any particular case the
President or the majority of members present may decide this voting to take place
by secret ballot.
45. (1) Only the following Bar Associations of lawyers shall function in
(i) In Province of Punjab, there may be High
Court Bar Associations at principal seat and at the places of Benches of Lahore
High Court.
(ii) In each District, there may be a District
Bar Association; and
(iii) In each Tehsil and/or sub-division there
may be a Tehsil or Sub-divisional Bar Association.
(2) No other Bar or body of lawyers shall be
recognized except for the above Bar Associations.
(3) The Punjab Bar
Council shall make rules regarding recognition / de-recognition and functioning
of Bar Associations at High Court, District and Sub-divisional/Tehsil level.
45-A. Framing of Rules. The Punjab Bar Council being controlling and
supervisory body shall frame rules for the recognition / de-recognition and
functioning of the High Court Bar Associations, District Bar Associations and
Tehsil Bar Associations.
45-B. Election
dates of Bar Association:-
(1) For the purpose of creating uniformity in holding of elections to different
Bar Associations and in order to avoid exercise of dual right of vote by an
Advocate, the elections of District Bar Associations and Tehsil /
Sub-Divisional Bar Associations in Province of Punjab, will be held on one and the
same day. Likewise the election of High Court Bar Associations throughout the
Province of Punjab, shall also be held on the same day as under:-
(2) Elections of the
District Bar Associations and Tehsil / Sub-Divisional Bar Associations in the
Province of Punjab, shall be held on 2nd Saturday of January of each year,
whereas the elections of each of the High Court Bar Associations in Punjab,
shall be held on the last Saturday of February of each year.
45-D. Code of Conduct for contesting Election of
Bar Association:-
(a) No prospective and/or
contesting candidate or his/her supporter(s) shall canvass for votes through
advertisement, banners, pla-cards, stickers, panaflex, hoardings, calendars,
dairies, key-chains and posters etc. He/She may, however, solicit support
through personal contact and by issuing letters and visiting cards of the
maximum size of 3x5 inches on which he/she may also display his/her photograph.
Provided that no
prospective and/or contesting candidate or his/her supporter(s) shall use or
show of any kind of weapon during election campaign or on the day of election.
Provided that no
prospective and/or contesting candidate or his/her supporter(s) shall canvass
for votes by approaching a voter, directly or indirectly, at his/her residence.
(b) No meal / lunch / dinner
by a contesting candidate or his supporters will be given to voters directly or
indirectly in connection with election campaign.
Provided further
that any type of party outside the Bar premises, even at any restaurant /
hotel, buffet lunch or dinner, is prohibited and Election Board may take action
against the said candidate, including the cancellation of his nomination
Provided further
that any invitation on paper / card or on social media etc will be considered
as valid proof.
Provided further
that any application regarding the violations of the election rules, may be
moved to the election board or Executive Committee of the Punjab Bar Council,
prior to the announcement of the election schedule.
(c) To promote the
professionalism, any transfer of amount to any advocate or his relatives or
next friend through, inter alia, Easy-paisa, Mobile account or Bank
account etc for vote and support in election, will be considered as bribe in
election and be considered as evidence of the same. Election Board may receive
the application, probe it and forward it to the Executive Committee of the
Punjab Bar Council for appropriate legal action.
(d) Executive
Committee of the Punjab Bar Council on any application or reference forwarded
by the election board, may suspend his name on the roll of the Punjab Bar
Council and will forward its case to the Disciplinary Committee of the Punjab
Bar Council for further legal action of professional misconduct.
(e) It
shall be the pre-requisite that contesting candidate for an office of Bar
Association is purely a professional and practicing advocate and is member of
the Bar Association concerned, and that the following criteria is strictly
Post |
Length of Practice |
President |
(i) 8
years in case of Tehsil / Sub-Divisional Bar Association; (ii) 10
years in case of District Bar Association; (iii) 15 years in case of High Court Bar
Association; |
Vice-President |
(i) 6 years in case of Tehsil
/ Sub-Divisional Bar Association; (ii) 8 years in case of
District Bar Association; (iii) 12
years in case of High Court Bar Association; |
Secretary |
(i) 5 years in case of Tehsil
/ Sub-Divisional Bar Association; (ii) 7 years in case of
District Bar Association; (iii) 10
years in case of High Court Bar Association; |
Other offices i.e. Finance Secretary Joint Secretary Auditor Library Secretary Member Executive Committee |
years |
(i) To meet the requirement of being a professional
Advocate it will be mandatory that a candidate shall file a written proof, duly
certified by the competent officer of the concerned court, as to his/her
appearance in the cases on behalf of any of the parties, which he/she has
independently conducted during the preceding three years as per the following
Office |
Bar Association |
Cases per year relating to preceding 3 years |
President |
High Court Bar
Association |
15 cases for each year |
District Bar Association |
10 cases for each year |
Tehsil / Sub-Divisional Bar Association |
05 cases for each year |
Other offices i.e. Finance Secretary Joint
Secretary |
Any Bar Association |
02 cases for
each year |
Auditor Library Secretary Member Executive Committee |
(ii) The
length of practice as mentioned above means practice as an advocate of
Subordinate Courts for contesting election against an office of the District
Bar Association and Tehsil / Sub-Divisional Bar Association and practice as an
advocate of the High Court for contesting election for an office of the High
Court Bar Association;
(iii) Any violation of clause
(a), (b) and/or (c) above, shall be treated as “misconduct” disqualifying /
disentitling the prospective and/or contesting candidate to contest election
for a seat of the Bar Association concerned.
(f) The period or
length of strength, which is required to contest the election of the Bar
Association under rule 45-D of memorandum of association, will be counted by
the date on which date, he became the member of the Bar Association, in which,
he is willing to participate the election.
(g). Rule 45-D (f)
will not be applicable to the advocate who took the membership of the concerned
Bar Association from the beginning (on the roll of Punjab Bar Council).
(h) Rule 45-D (f) will
not be applicable to the new created / recognized Bar Association for period of
five years only of recognition of the new Bar Association.
46. Nomination of the Election Board. (1) The President of the concerned Bar
Association shall nominate within three months of his election, the Chairman
and four members of the Election Board, two of whom would be the immediate
former Presidents of the concerned Bar Association, duly qualified as per
requirements of sub-rule (2), and the Board so nominated shall look after and
deal with all matters necessary for and ancillary to, for ensuring holding of
fair, free and transparent election of the Bar Association concerned:
Provided that in case
of non-availability of two immediately former Presidents, the next immediate
Bar President will be the member of the election board. President will get
their written consent in this regard from the Chairman and Members of the
election board:
Provided further that
in case of establishing new Bar Association, the members of concern bar, who
has the standings as an Advocate for 10 years, will be the members of the
election board:
(2) The qualifications for the Chairman and
Members of the Election Board, for holding election of a Bar Association, shall
be as under:-
(a) For the election of District and the
Tehsil/Sub-Divisional Bar Association, the Chairman shall have the standing as
an Advocate of the lower Courts for 15 years whereas the Members for 7 years;
(b) For the election of the High Court Bar
Association the Chairman shall have the standing as an Advocate of the High
Court for 15 years whereas the Members for 10 years;
(3) Election Board shall ensure that
requirements of Rule 45-D, are implemented by all concerned, in letter and
spirit, and in case a candidate or his/her supporter/s is/are found delinquent
and violating requirements of the said Rule, it may file a reference to the
Punjab Bar Council for action against him/them in accordance with the Rules.
(4) If serious allegation
leveled against the Chairman or any Member of Election Board, prior to the
election of the Bar Association, Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council may
appoint an observer from the Members of Punjab Bar Council, or an Advocate who
has at least fifteen years experience / standing of practice, for conducting
fair and transparent election of the Bar Association. The observer will also
submit his report along with copy of the result of the election before the
Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council within three days positively.
(5) If serious allegation raised against the election board relating to
the election affairs, Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council may pass an
order, including the suspension of the practicing license of Chairman or Member
Election Board and forward the said, to the Disciplinary Committee of Punjab
Bar Council for further legal proceedings as per Act and the Rules framed
(6) If Chairman or Member of
Election Board is an advocate of Supreme Court, then Executive Committee of
Punjab Bar Council with all necessary documents or reports, forward the case
for disciplinary action to the Executive Committee of Pakistan Bar Council.
46-A. Preparation of list of
eligible voters.
1. Executive committee of the Punjab Bar
Council will prepare the list of eligible voters of District Bar Associations
and Tehsil Bar Associations with the assistance of the President and Secretary
of the concerned Bar Association.
(i) List of advocates enrolled on the roll
of Punjab Bar Council till 30th June of each year of concerned Bar Association,
will be forwarded by the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council to the
President of the concerned Bar Association till 15th July, who registered
through “Quick Sahulat” arranged by Punjab Bar Council;
(ii) President and Secretary will display the
said list on the notice board of the Bar Association till 20th July;
(iii) President and Secretary will prepare list
of defaulters, deceased advocates, salaried employees and the new enrolled
advocates (till 30th June), who did not get the membership of the Bar
Association concerned. Said list will be displayed on the notice board of the
Bar Association till 20th July;
(iv) After clearance of the dues by the defaulters, the list of
eligible voters will be displayed on the notice board of Bar Association by the
President till 31st July;
(v) President and Secretary will return voter list with certain
corrections, while mentioning the names of the deceased advocates, salaried
employees, defaulters and the new enrolled advocates, who did not get the
membership of the Bar Association concerned;
(vi) Executive committee of the Punjab bar council will finalize
the voter list till 31st August of each year;
(vii) An aggrieved advocate may file an appeal to the Executive
Committee of Punjab Bar Council for correction of any error in the voter list
of the concerned Bar Association for the purpose of correction and
rectification of any mistake relating to voter list till 15th September;
(viii) Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council will furnish final
voter list and forward it to the President of the Bar Associations;
(ix) President shall bound to paste the final voter list prepared
and approved by the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council on notice board
of the Bar Association;
2. Executive Committee of the Punjab Bar Council may issue
directions regarding the election affairs to the President or Secretary or
Election Board according to the Act and the rules framed thereunder.
3. Correction of vote will not be made effective after getting
membership of any Bar Association. However, an Advocate will apply for transfer
of vote as per rules.
4. If an Advocate does not get membership
of any Bar Association, he may approach to the Executive Committee of Punjab
Bar Council for correction of voter membership of Bar Association mentioned on
the licence or on his identity card, issued by the Punjab Bar Council. After
six months of the date of issuance of licence, an advocate will not entitle for
any correction of his membership.
5. Advocate will pay fee of Rs.5000/-
(prescribed fee) as correction fee and Rs.1000/- for new/fresh card.
6. No correction, addition or deletion
will be made effective, after 30th September in the final voter list.
46-B. Right of vote:-
(1) Every member of Bar Association
will have the right of vote in the election of Bar Association, who has
enrolled himself/herself till 30th June of each year on the roll of Punjab Bar
Council, in the concerned Bar Association.
(2) In case of the transfer of
vote or restoration of vote or correction of vote, the advocate shall appear
before the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council, its fresh photo will be
taken in the concerned office of Punjab Bar Council attested by one member of
the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council.
(3) If an advocate wants to
transfer his /her vote in other Bar Association, will adopt all the procedure
under the rules and will submit the application after two years. The period of
two years will be counted from the diary number and date allotted by the Punjab
Bar Council. Office of Punjab Bar Council is duty bound to transfer his/her
vote in the transferee Bar Association.
(4) In case of transfer and
correction of vote, if name of an advocate/voter is not mentioned in the voter
list, then the advocate may file an application to the Executive Committee of
Punjab Bar Council. Executive Committee will entertain the application of the
advocate and will pass the appropriate order for adding his/her name in the
voter list of the concerned Bar Association.
(5) In Case of transfer of
name of a voter/member from one Bar Association to another Bar Association, the
transferee member/voter will be eligible to cast his/her vote in election of
the Bar Association to which he/she gets his/her name transferred, only after
expiry of two years.
(6) Every advocate registered on “Quick
Sahulat” on the website of Punjab Bar Council may cost their votes in the
election of Bar Associations.
(7) Only verified advocate
through “Quick Sahulat” be entitled to cost their vote in the elections of the
Bar Associations.
47. (1) On any complaint against the Election Board, Executive Committee of
Punjab Bar Council may constitute fresh election board while considering the
eligibility of the election board mention in rules:
(2) In case of re-election under the Rules,
Election Board constituted, shall continue to function till the final results
of the Election.
48. All
issues shall be decided by majority and all proceedings shall be in writing and
open to inspection by any member of the Bar, after the final decision of the
Election Board.
49. Election
Board shall maintain secrecy of ballot and shall assure its free and voluntary
exercise of the right to vote.
50. (1) Election Board shall follow the schedule
of the Annual Election announced by the Executive Committee.
(2) Election of the Bar
Association will be conducted through manual system. However, where bio-metric
system or Quick Sahulat or Nadra verification system or any other electronic or
modern devices mode/facility, has been provided or approved by the Punjab Bar
Council, then, elections of Bar Associations will be conducted by bio-metric
system or Quick Sahulat or other Modern system preferably.
(3) In case of the bio-metric election or Quick Sahulat or election
through modern devices / techniques, the election board will formulate the
procedure of election process with the consent of the contesting candidates.
One copy of said procedure / process be delivered to the Executive Committee of
the Punjab Bar Council.
(4) Said procedure be displayed on the notice board of the Bar
association. One copy of the said procedure / instructions be handed over to
all the contesting candidates.
(5) If any contesting candidate is feeling aggrieved relating to the
procedure, he may approach to the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council
within seven days.
51. The contesting candidate for an office shall
be proposed and seconded in writing by an eligible voter of the concerned Bar
and accepted in writing by the candidate with signature and date.
52. A proposal shall relate only to one
candidate and shall be invalid if it relates to more than one.
53. The
contesting candidate himself on his proposer or seconder shall submit the
nomination paper or papers to the Election Board. Election Board shall note on
each proposal as soon as it is received, its number as well as the time and the
date on which it is received.
54. Election Board, after the expiry of time
fixed for submission of the nomination papers shall paste on the Notice Board
complete list of nomination papers received for each office, the name of the
contesting candidates, their proposer and seconder and the time of receipt of
every such nomination.
55. On the date and time fixed in the Schedule,
Election Board shall scrutinize and examine all the nomination papers for all
the office holders in the presence of contesting candidates or their proposer
or seconder of the candidate or duly authorized agents of the contestants.
56. Election Board shall accept the nomination
papers of the candidates, if these were found correct. Election Board shall
display the list of candidates, having valid nomination papers on the notice
57. A candidate may withdraw his candidature
before the poll.
58. The candidate for the office, for which
there is no other contesting candidate and his nomination have been accepted as
valid nomination, the candidate shall be declared as elected for that office by
the Election Board. Chairman election board will forward the list of un-opposed
office bearer to the Executive committee Punjab Bar Council within three days
59. Election Board shall arrange the secret
ballot papers, with name of the contesting candidates as enrolled as an
Advocate in the Punjab Bar Council and the ballot box for each office in the
manner deemed fit and proper by the Election Board.
60. (1) On the date and time fixed for the
election poll, chairman and members of the election board will act as presiding
(2) In case of large strength
of the eligible voters in the Bar association, the election board may seek the
help of lawyers or court staff as presiding officer / Polling officer and
assistant presiding officers.
(3) Election board is
empowered to write down/approach the registrar Lahore High Court or Additional
Registrar or Deputy Registrar, for the assistance and working of court staff as
presiding officer and assistant presiding officers.
(4) In case of election of District Bar
Association or Tehsil Bar Association, the election board may approach to the
District & Sessions judge concerned, for the assistance of court staff as
working presiding officer and assistant presiding officers.
(5) In case of working of staff of the court,
as presiding officers etc, the said staff is duty bound to act under the
directions of the election board.
(6) Before the start of polling, Election
board or presiding officers will show the empty ballot boxes to the contesting
candidates or their authorized polling agents and after this, seal the ballot
boxes in the presence of the contesting candidates, or their authorized agents.
(7) Election board or presiding officer will
receive the “Authority letter” of the contesting candidate for his polling
agents, if allowed.
(8) Election board or
presiding officers will give each and every eligible voter, a ballot paper,
signed by the chairman election board and one member election board or two
member of election board with stamp of “ELECTION BOARD District/Tehsil Bar
Association, (NAME OF CITY/Bar association)”.
(9) If the Lawyers or the
court staff is performing duties as presiding officers, the presiding officer
also put another stamp of “PRESIDING OFFICER” and also put his signature.
(10) If the signature and stamp
of the election board and presiding officer is missing on the ballot paper, the
said ballot paper can not be counted in the result.
(11) During the election
process, the presiding officer may exercise any power, which is delegated to
him under the Act, Rules framed thereunder, directions issued by the Executive
committee of Punjab Bar Council and the instructions of the Election board.
(12) Presiding officer will
check the name of the eligible voter member in the voter list issued by the
Punjab Bar Council, his identity card issued by the Pakistan bar council or
Punjab Bar Council, along with his C.N.I.C or his passport or computerized
driving licence.
(13) Presiding officer will get
the signature of the voter on the ballot paper sheet and deliver a ballot paper
to the voter.
(14) Presiding officer will maintain
the secrecy of the ballot.
(15) In case of any objection
regarding the ballot paper, Election Board will decide the said issue in the
presence of the candidates or their authorized agents. However, election board
will keep the disputed ballot papers separately, even after final counting.
(16) If any person try to use forged identity
card, C.N.I.C or any other document for casting the vote of the eligible voter
member of the Bar Association during the election process, then the chairman
election board shall, after probe, refer the matter to the concerned police
station for registration of criminal case under the offence of cheating by
impersonation and other provisions of the Act, rules framed thereunder and
Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.
(17) If the said person is an
Advocate, then the chairman election board shall refer the matter to the
disciplinary committee of the Punjab Bar Council for initiating the proceedings
of professional misconduct. In such situation, the Disciplinary Committee of Punjab
Bar Council will suspend the practicing licence of the said advocate, till the
completion of the proceedings.
(18) Before poll of the vote, the voter will have to produce his/her
identity card issued by the Pakistan Bar Council or Punjab Bar Council, along
with his/her CNIC or Passport or Computerized Driving License issued by the
competent authority.
61. (1) The eligible voter shall cast his vote
for each contesting office bearer secretly and with full sense of
responsibility to the prestige, honour and independence of profession.
(2) Each such voter shall get ballot paper giving the names of each
contesting candidates for each office and the eligible voter shall be required
to cross mark (i.e., “X”) for his choice of candidate for each office.
62. (1) At the end of the polling time, the
election board, under the chairman elections board’s supervision, shall collect
the remaining ballot paper books, stamps and other allied materials of the
election, and seal them separately.
(2) Election board will open the sealed ballot boxes in the presence of
the contesting candidates, or their authorized agents, and thereafter start
(3) Election may be on more than one seat, so election board may count
the ballots papers of every seat separately in the presence of the contesting
candidates or their authorized polling agents.
(4) After completion of the counting process, the election board or
presiding officer will get the signature of the contesting candidates or their
authorized agents.
63. (1) After counting votes for each office,
Election Board shall immediately report in writing the result to the President
who shall immediately announce it. The President shall display, or cause to be
displayed the result on the notice board and forwarded it to the Executive
Committee of Punjab Bar Council immediately.
(2) Result will be compiled in written form by
the presiding officers or election board. The signature of the contesting
candidates or their polling agents or authorized agents will be taken on the
result sheet.
63-A. (1) Expenditure of election process will be
borne by the contesting candidates. Executive Committee of Bar Association with
consultation of election board will fix the election fee against each
contesting seat, while considering the expected number of candidates and
(2) All expenditure of the Election process will be used by Election
(3) Election Board cannot spend any amount regarding Lunch or Dinner etc
for voters or members of the Bar Association.
(4) All expenditure of the Election process with report will be
forwarded to the Executive Committee of the Bar Association.
(5) Secretary will mention all income and expenditure of the election in
the minutes book of the Bar Association.
(6) After taking oath of new regime / elected Executive Committee of Bar
Association, election board will hand over the expenses sheet, along with any
saved amount, or any due amount with bill to the new elected Executive
Committee within 30 days of election date.
(7) President of Bar will submit the income & expenditure
report to the Finance Committee of the Punjab Bar Council, verified by the
Chairman Election Board.
64. On
the application of any eligible voter that there is reasonable evidence that
elections as a whole or election of particular office is void, Executive
Committee of Punjab Bar Council shall, with or without an application or
complaint in this behalf, inquire into the allegations and decide the issue
after giving full opportunity of hearing to the parties concerned.
65. The
Election as a whole or the election of individual member shall be declared void
under the following circumstances:--
(a) If it has been established that the
candidate or with his connivance or consent someone or an eligible voter had
paid on behalf of eligible voter or eligible voters of Association his annual
or part of annual subscription or any amount due from such voter or voters;
(b) The candidate or with his
connivance or consent, an advocate or person, not being on the roll of Bar Association
previously, got admitted as eligible voter prior to the date of election on
payment with an intent to secure a vote;
(c) The candidate or his
proposer or seconder was not an eligible voter on the relevant date;
(d) The candidate or his
proposer or seconder was debarred from the use of library books for reasons of
loss or damage of books or for failure to return them in time fixed by Library
(e) Where the election rules
or any instructions or orders issued by the Executive committee of Punjab Bar
Council have been violated;
66. In case the election as a whole has been
declared void or the election of a particular office bearer has been set-aside,
re-election shall be held within 21 days in accordance with the rules except in
the case where the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council passes any
order/directions in this regard. In such case, the existing election board will
conduct / supervise the election process.
67. (1) If the annual election is not held according
to the rules, all Office Bearers of the Bar Association shall cease to hold
office and thereafter any act done by or any action taken by them or any one of
them shall be illegal and void.
(2) Under abovementioned circumstances, chairman Election Board may
forward the complete situation to the Executive Committee of the Punjab Bar
Council. Punjab Bar Council will nominate any bar member as interim President
and Secretary, who have the qualification according to the rules to be elected
as President and Secretary.
(3) Executive committee of Punjab Bar Council itself or on requisition
of member Punjab Bar Council or on application of any member of Bar association
will nominate, the interim president for conducting the election only for
period of one month.
(4) Interim President and Secretary shall exercise all the powers of
president and secretary under the Rules for smooth working of the affairs of
the Bar Association and to ensure free, fair and transparent elections.
(5) Interim President will also exercise the powers under Rule 46 of
Memorandum of Association, for constitution of the election board, if
(6) Election so held, shall be valid election of the office bearers of
the Bar Association.
(7) Interim President
and Secretary will cease to hole the offices thereafter.
(8) Interim President and Secretary will hand over the charge to the
newly elected President and Secretary.
(9) No interim setup can extend his period mentioned above.
68. (1)
The Library Committee shall be responsible for the efficient and proper
maintenance of the Bar Library and for effective control of it according to the
(2) The Library Committee shall consist of
five members. The Library Secretary will be the chairman of the committee and
four senior Members of the Bar Association, appointed by the Executive
Committee of Bar Association in his first meeting.
69. The
Committee shall check all the books and registers after every three months and
shall submit its report to the President regarding the efficiency of the
library, books lost or damaged and the member or members responsible for such
loss or damage and the action taken against the member under the Rules.
70. The
Sub-Committee shall classify books:--
(a) To be issued to members for study in the
library as “Texts”;
(b) Books to be issued and removed from the
library for reference of citation before the Courts as “Reference Books”.
The following books
shall not be removed from the library and be classified as Texts.
(a) (i) All
(ii) All
(b) All Journals and reports shall be
classified as “Reference Books” i.e. PLD, PLJ,
PCrLJ. SCMR, CLC, MLD, YLR, CLD, PLC, PTD, Law Notes, AIR Civil Cases,
NLR, KLR, PSC, PSC(Criminal) etc.
71. (1)
The librarian shall issue books to the members on their library cards or Punjab
Bar Council card which shall be issued to all the members of the Association or
according to the directions of the President or the decision of the Library
committee of Bar Association.
(2) The Library
Secretary or librarian shall issue books classified as “Text” but shall not
permit them to be removed from the library. The books classified as “Reference
Books” shall be issued to members and shall be allowed to be removed from the
library, as per decision of Library Committee.
72. The
member shall be allowed to keep books issued to him classified as “Reference
Books” for the three days after which a fine of ten rupees shall be levied for
each book per day.
73. (1)
The member shall be responsible for the up-keep of books issued to him and for
its return to the librarian within the specified time.
(2) The member shall
be responsible for the books lost or damaged for which he shall be liable to
replace the books or to pay its price which shall be determined by the Library
Secretary or Library Committee.
74. The
librarian shall report to the Library Secretary or Library Committee of the
member contravening any rule contained herein, or failing to return the books
issued to him within a week of the date of its issue or failing to replace the
books lost, to pay its price as determined by the Library Secretary or Library
75. On
the report of the librarian, the Library Secretary or Library Committee shall
declare the member not to be entitled to the issue of the library books until
he complies with the Rules or returns the books or replaces them or pays their
76. The
librarian shall not issue any book to the defaulting member or “declared
77. The
Library Secretary or library Committee shall publish the list of defaulting
members and display it on the notice board. The Library Secretary or Library
Committee shall supply the list of defaulting members to the Secretary for the
preparation of eligible voters list.
78. All
the fines imposed under the rules or price of books, lost or damaged shall be
treated, added and realized as an arrear of the Bar Association for the
proposes of debarring the member from the Association and for further action
under the Act and the rules framed thereunder by the Bar Council. The Librarian
shall maintain a register, to be called the “Fine Register” for fine realized
or money credited for books damaged or books lost by the defaulting members.
79. No
member shall be entitled to the issue of any library book if he is declared as
the defaulter under the Act and rules framed thereunder.
80. No
book shall be issued to the member if the librarian has reasons to believe that
the book is intended for the use of
the defaulter or “declared defaulter”. The librarian shall inform such cases to
the Library Secretary or Library Committee for immediate action.
81. The
librarian shall maintain the following Registers:--
(1) Register of Texts.
(2) Register of Digests.
(3) Register of Reference Books.
(4) Register of Various Journals and Reports.
(a) PLJ
(b) AIR
(c) PLD
(d) SCMR
(e) PLR
(f) DLC
(g) PTD
(h) PLC
(i) PLS
(j) PCrLJ
(k) CLC
(5) Register of Fines.
(6) Register of Defaulter Members.
82. The
librarian shall enter all new books gifted or purchased by the Bar association
or Library Committee in various registers and circulate their titles to all the
Members for their information and display the list of new arrivals on the
Notice Board of the Library.
83. (1) Librarian will ensure the
numbering of books, purchased or gifted, and thereafter affix stamp of the Bar
(2) Library Secretary
will prepare an annual report of the books and the performance of the Library
Committee and produce it to the Executive Committee.
84. (1) Library Secretary will hand over
the register of stocks/available books to the newly elected Library Secretary.
(2) If a
reasonable number of books are found to be missing, then the previous Library
Secretary shall be responsible of the missing books.
(3) Newly elected Library Secretary will prepare report while
mentioning the details of the missing books and may forwarded it to the
Executive Committee of Bar Association as well as PLJ Committee of Punjab Bar
(4) Executive Committee of Bar Association may direct the previous /
outgoing Library Secretary to provide the missing books or new books against
the missing books within 15-days. If missing books is not provided then the
President will refer the case with complete record/report to the PLJ Committee
of Punjab Bar Council for further legal action.
(5) PLJ Committee of Punjab Bar Council will probe the issue of missing
books, examine the record. PLJ Committee of Punjab Bar Council may call the
report from the President and Secretary of the Bar Association with record.
(6) PLJ Committee of Punjab Bar Council may direct the previous /
outgoing Library Secretary to provide the books or new books against the
missing books.
(7) PLJ Committee may imposed fine on the Library Secretary on the
allegation of missing books.
(8) PLJ Committee may refer the matter to the disciplinary Committee of
Punjab Bar Council regarding professional misconduct.
85. Every
Bar Association will run bank accounts, through concerned elected President and
Secretary jointly.
86. All
the expenses related to the affairs of the Bar Association shall be paid
through cheques, unless otherwise ordered, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, by the President or Secretary.
87. (1) Bar Association will manage the accounts of the Bar Association
through a cash book register maintained by the Bar Association, which will be
signed by the President and Secretary at the end of every month.
(2) The receipt of all
cash and cheques for credit to the funds of the Bar Association shall be
entered on the receipt side of the cash book as soon as the receipt is issued.
The disbursement of all money from the funds of the Bar Association shall be
entered on the expenditure side of the cash book as soon as the disbursement is
(3) At the end of each
day the total of the amount received and spent during the day shall be worked
out and a balance be struck.
(4) All entries in the
cash book shall be checked by the Secretary, item by item, with reference to the
receipt and expenditure vouchers and in token of check, the cash book shall be
signed by the secretary.
(5) Secretary Bar
Association will receive the monthly bank statement from the concerned bank of
all bank accounts and will produce it before the Executive Committee. Secretary
will maintain a separate finance register of said monthly account statements
and will hand over to the newly elected secretary after end of the tenure.
88. (1) Finance Secretary of the Bar Association look into the account of register
on weekly basis and submit his report in the Executive Meeting of the Bar
Association on monthly basis.
(2) Finance secretary
will prepare the annual budget, quarterly reports and reports of action of any
declaration or misappropriation found in the accounts and produce the report to
the Auditor who ensure the annual audit of Bar Association as per rules.
89. Finance
Committee of the Punjab Bar Council will take up the matter on the complaint of
the Executive Committee or any application of the concerned Bar Member.
90. On
receiving the application relating to the corruption in Finance of the Bar
Association, Finance Committee shall inquire the matter, and pass the order of
audit, internal, external and forensic, of the Bar Association concerned.
91. Annual account report. (1) Finance Secretary or Auditor of High
Court Bar Association will produce the annual account report before the
Executive Committee of Bar Association for approval. After approval from
Executive Committee, President and Secretary will produce it in general house
meeting for general approval. President and Secretary will forward the same to
the Finance Committee of Punjab Bar Council till 1st Saturday of
February of each year.
(2) Finance Secretary or Auditor District Bar Associations and Tehsil
Bar Associations will produce the annual account report before the Executive
Committee of Bar Association for approval. After approval from Executive
Committee, President and Secretary will produce it in general house meeting for
general approval. President and Secretary will forward it to the Finance
Committee of Punjab Bar Council till 3rd Saturday of December of
each year.
(3) The Bar Associations are duty bound to get audit of accounts through
a reputed auditor.
(4) The Bar
Associations, having more than fifty lacs rupees income balance (Income and
expenditure), is duty bound to get audit of accounts through any chartered
(5) If any corruption
or misappropriation of the bar funds proved in the annual audit report prepared
by the auditor of the Bar Association, then the President and Secretary will
forward the said report to the Finance Committee of the Punjab Bar Council
forthwith for further legal action.
(6) Finance Committee
Punjab Bar Council may pass the order of second audit through another chartered
accountant firm, who having satisfactory (QCR RATING) international standards
on accounting as adopted in Pakistan on the expenses of Bar Association.
(7) Finance committee
of Punjab Bar Council will take legal action as per the provisions of the Act
the rules framed thereunder and Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.
(8) If any bar member
move an application to the President, regarding any corruption, embezzlement or
misappropriation in bar funds etc, the President shall present it in next
Executive Committee meeting for further action. Executive Committee will
formulate a committee to probe the matter. The Auditor and Finance Secretary
will be the member of the said committee. The report of said committee will be
forwarded to the Finance Committee of Punjab Bar Council for further legal
(9) If newly elected body of Bar Association
receives any application regarding the misappropriation, embezzlement or
corruption in the bar funds, Executive Committee of Bar Association may pass an
order of audit of accounts and forward the audit report with the whole
proceedings of the Executive Committee to the Finance Committee of the Punjab
Bar Council for further legal action as per the provisions of the Act the rules
framed thereunder and Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.
(10) Finance Committee
of Punjab Bar Council will issue a notice to the concerned advocate/office
bearer for personal appearance and written reply with all relevant record/documents.
(11) Finance Committee
of Punjab Bar Council will complete his proceedings within three months
(12) Bar funds are as
sacred as our homeland, so, any misappropriation in the Bar funds, amounts to
“Professional Misconduct”.
(13) Finance Committee
of the Punjab Bar Council, may suspend the practicing licence of the concerned
Advocate/Office Bearer and send the case to the Disciplinary Committee of
Punjab Bar Council for further proceedings.
(14) In case of any violation of the provisions of Act and Rules framed
thereunder, by any office bearer, he/she shall be liable to be prosecuted as
per the provisions of the Act, the rules framed thereunder and Pakistan Penal
Code, 1860.
92. Any grant etc
will be deposited in the bar accounts only. Depositing the amount of any type
of grant etc given/delivered by any government or semi government or any other
public or private person or entity in the account of any office bearer or any
other person shall be prohibited, which shall render the accused liable to be
prosecuted under the Act, the rules framed thereunder and Pakistan Penal Code,
93. (1)
Cycle stands, motor cycle stands, canteens and other related units in the Bar
Association shall work under the control of the Executive Committee of Bar
Association. Said contracts will be auctioned publicly in open house of the Bar
Association. Prior to seven days of auction proceedings. Executive Committee of
the Bar Association will publish it in the daily newspaper, (if amount of
auction is more than one lac) and display notice of auction proceedings on the
notice board of the Bar Association.
(2) Executive
Committee of Bar Association may constitute a committee amongst the member of
the Executive Committee for the auction proceedings etc.
(3) Executive
Committee will mention the details of auction in the minute book and also
ensure the transparency in this matter.
(4) The utilization of
bar funds of any kind or grants etc for his/her own accord by the office bearer
amounts to criminal breach of trust defined under section 405 PPC and shall be
liable to be prosecuted.
(5) Any
misappropriation in the proceedings of auction etc by any Office Bearer shall
be illegal and liable to be prosecuted as per the provisions of the Act, the
rules framed thereunder, and the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.
(6) Punjab Bar Council
may remove any member or office bearer of High Court Bar Association, District
Bar Association or Tehsil/Sub-Divisional Bar Association in the Province of
Punjab for commission of professional misconduct.
94. (1) Finance Committee of Punjab Bar Council may take any assistance from
the office of Auditor General of Pakistan, Finance Secretary Punjab or any
government official through Chief Secretary Punjab in Committee’s proceedings.
(2) Finance committee of Punjab Bar Council may take any step during the
proceedings, as it thinks fit, to reach at the fair and just conclusion of the
95. At
the end of the elected year, the President and General Secretary will publish a
balance sheet of income and expenditure on the notice bound of the Bar
96. Allotment of Chambers of Bar Associations. (1) Whenever the allotment or construction
of chamber/seat is necessary in the Bar Association, then the High Court Bar
Association, District Bar Association and Tehsil Bar Association will
constitute an “allotment and construction committee” comprising of one Chairman
and four members, Details are as under:
(i) Two Sitting Members of Punjab Bar Council
of the concerned District, who had taken the highest votes in Punjab Bar
Elections, will be the members of the Committee. The Senior Member Punjab Bar
Council of the concerned District, will be the Chairman of the Committee. Where
only one Member Punjab Bar Council in the District, then the immediate
Ex-president of the concerned Bar Association, will be the Member of the
(ii) Sitting President of the concerned Bar
(iii) Sitting Secretary of the concerned Bar
(iv) One immediate Ex-president of the concerned
Bar Association;
(2) In case, the immediate Ex-president is not available then the next
immediate Ex-president will be the Member of the Committee. Written consent or
written refusal is necessary.
(3) President of the concerned Bar Association prior the announcement of
allotment chamber plan, will announce the name of the Chairman & Members of
the Committee and will display it on the notice board. President also convey
Executive Committee of the Punjab Bar Council in this regard within seven days
(4) Meeting of the allotment and construction
committee will be called by the Secretary of the concerned Bar Association as a
Member of the committee, on the directions of the Chairman Committee within
seven days of establishment of allotment and construction committee.
(5) In case of failure of
calling the meetings by the Secretary, Chairman shall himself call the meeting
of the committee. Notice of meeting shall be delivered to the Members of the
Committee through written notice, telephonically or text message or Whatsapp
message within seven days. Agenda of meeting shall also be delivered.
(6) Meeting of allotment and
construction committee will be held in the Bar premises of the concerned Bar
Association, where chambers are being constructed/allotted.
(7) The proceedings/minutes of
the meeting will be recorded in writing and be approved in the upcoming meeting
of the committee. Minutes of the meeting will be sent to every member of the
committee. Secretary will also endorse the minutes in the minutes book of Bar
(8) The quorum of the meeting
shall be comprised of at least three members for conducting the proceedings. In
case of non-cooperation by the members of the committee regarding absence in three
consective meetings, the chairman shall refer the matter to the Executive
Committee of Punjab Bar Council for further appropriate orders.
97. (1) Allotment and construction committee
shall decide and announce the schedule of the allotment of the chambers in its
1st meeting.
(2) After announcement of the
schedule, a separate joint account shall be opened with the signatures of the
Chairman Committee as well as the President of concerned Bar Association. If
bank account already exist regarding construction of the chambers, which is
being operated, said bank account shall be deemed to be operated by the newly
appointed Chairman of the allotment and construction committee and President.
President shall send the name with specimen signatures to the concerned Bank.
(3) Applications in written
forms alongwith affidavit will be submitted before the committee. Advance
amount and full payment of the chambers, will be deposited in the above said
account through bank voucher. No cash amount will be accepted.
(4) The committee will issue the schedule of
the payment of the chamber.
(5) Any donation / grant given by the
judiciary, Executive, public institution or any public or private company or
private person etc, will be disbursed through the allotment and construction
(6) The construction of the
chambers will be done according to the decision of the committee.
(7) Written agreement for the
construction will be done after approval of the committee with constructor,
contractors or bidder etc. Written agreement between the committee and
constructor will be accepted. No oral agreement is allowed.
(8) Committee shall decide the
whole expenditure for the construction of the chambers. Committee also decide
and announce the cost of one chamber. The said cost shall be placed on the
notice board of the Bar Association.
(9) Auction proceedings shall
be done publicly by committee in General House.
(10) In case of receiving more
applications, the allotment of the chambers will be made through manual draw (پرچی/قرعہ
اندازی) in General House
under the command of committee.
(11) Final list of allottees
will be pasted on notice board of the Bar Association, immediately on the same
day, verified and attested by the committee.
(12) Auction amount will be
decided by the committee on basis of the principle “No Profit No Loss”.
(13) Funds of Bar Association
shall have no concern with the said account of allotment and construction
(14) A professional consultant
shall be engaged by the committee before the construction of the chamber, who
shall approve the map of the chambers as well as supervise the construction of
the chambers.
(15) If any amount was saved
after the construction/ allotment of the chambers, then the remaining amount
will be disbursed amongst the allottees as per their share proportionately.
98. Disqualifications of
allotment of chamber. (1)
Only regular practicing Bar Member may submit application for the allotment of
the chambers. Copy of CNIC and Identity Card issued by the Punjab Bar Council
and Pakistan Bar Council will be annexed.
(2) Any Bar Member who has joined any public
or private employment shall not be eligible to submit the application.
(3) Any Bar Member who has been disqualified
or suspended by any decision of Bar Councils or any Court of competent
jurisdiction shall not entitled for the allotment of the chamber.
(4) Every applicant shall
submit a separate affidavit stating therein that he does not own, nor has any
chamber allotted in his name in the concerned Bar Association or any other Bar
Association in the Province of Punjab.
(5) If it is found at any
stage that the allottee/applicant was already allotted chamber in any Bar
Association in the province of Punjab, allotment of the said chamber will be
cancelled by the allotment committee and after completion of allotment /
construction of chambers, by the Executive Committee of the Bar Association.
Deposited amount will be forfeited in favour of the account of concerned Bar
Association. The proceeding of professional misconduct under the law and rules
shall be initiated against the said allottee/applicant/advocate by committee or
Bar Association.
(6) If any advocate having a chamber already in the Bar Association
shall not entitled to join the proceedings of the allotment of chamber.
99. (1) (i) Chambers of the
Lawyers, allotted or purchased on construction from the Bar Association or any
other authority/committee under the rules, would be his personal property. He
may transfer the chamber to an other advocate, whose name is available on the
roll of the Punjab Bar Council and being member in the concerned Bar
Association after passing Ten years from the date of allotment of the chamber;
(ii) In case of death of
advocate, his legal heirs may transfer the chamber at any time;
(iii) In case of physical or mentally incapacitating permanent condition
of the advocate/allottee, Executive Committee of Bar Association may grant
special permission to transfer the chamber / seat;
(iv) Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council shall have the same
powers to grant permission of sale /transfer in appeal;
(2) Chamber will not be transferred to any advocate, whose name is not
available on the roll of the Punjab Bar Council.
(3) Executive Committee of the Bar Association will deal all the matters
of the transfer of the existing chambers. However, the Executive Committee of
the Bar Association will delegate these powers to any of his member or members.
Executive committee of Bar Association with majority votes may constitute
committee to deal said affairs.
(4) If any advocate
has membership of more than one Bar Association then the record of the Punjab
Bar Council will be followed.
(5) If any person feels
aggrieved by the decisions of the said person or committee, he may file appeal against
the said decision before the Executive Committee of Punjab Bar Council.
100. (1) After death of an Advocate, the chamber of the said advocate will be
transferred to his/her legal heirs as per his/her personal law.
(2) The legal heirs of the
said Advocate may transfer the said chamber to his/her children, if he/she is
an advocate.
(3) The legal heirs of the
advocate may transfer the chamber on receiving the construction charges to an
other advocate, whose name is available on the roll of the Punjab Bar Council
in the concerned Bar Association.
(4) In case of non
availability of the legal heirs of the deceased advocate, Executive Committee
will publish the facts of searching the legal heirs on two daily newspapers and
will also display the said facts on the notice board of the Bar Association.
Said proceedings will also be sent to Executive Committee of the Punjab Bar
Council. After two months of the said publication, Executive Committee of Bar
Association will take up the matter and allow the auction of the said chamber.
The auction amount shall be transferred in the Lawyers welfare fund of the Bar
Provided that if at a later
stage any legal heirs are found or they approach the Executive Committee of Bar
Association, then the auctioned amount will be refunded from the lawyers
welfare fund account and said amount be handed over /transfered to the legal
heirs of the deceased advocate as per the decision of the Executive Committee.
(5) If an advocate dies and
his son/daughter is an advocate, who also has chamber in his own name, he may
transfer any of one chamber or hold it under his custody.
(6) If an advocate wants to
transfer his chamber to an other advocate, he may execute any agreement with
the other advocate. Such agreement will be signed in the presence of the
President or Secretary or designated authority or committee.
(7) If the written agreement
is not executed in the presence of the President or Secretary or designated
authority or committee, or any written or oral agreement was executed before
the official gazette of these rules, then the fate of the chamber be decided by
the designated person or committee after recording the concerned evidence.
(8) The designated person or
committee may adopt any legal proceedings or measures to find out the real
(9) The designate
person or committee will complete the proceedings in written form and also
record the statements of the concerned persons or receive written affidavits in
this regard. Oral proceedings are prohibited.
(10) If an advocate got
transferred his voter membership and got allotted any chamber / seat /plot etc
from the transferred Bar Association and again want to transfer his regular
membership in the previous Bar Association or any other Bar Association, he
will surrender the said seat / chamber/ plot to the concerned Bar Association
without any benefit. Bar association will auction the said chamber / seat/ plot
and deposit the said amount in the lawyer’s welfare fund account of the Bar Association.
(11) In case of filing the transfer application, the executive committee
of the Punjab bar council will call the complete reports of his membership,
benefits gained from the bar i.e. chamber/seat/ plot etc from the president Bar
Associations, before passing any final order.
101. No Bar Association or group of Bar
Associations or any bar body or forum, will be authorized to give strike notice
or protest call to members of legal fraternity at provincial level without
seeking prior approval of the Punjab Bar Council.
102. Non-observance or violation of the provisions of the Memorandum of
Association, 2023, by an advocate shall be deemed to be professional misconduct
making him liable for disciplinary action.
103. Acts, order done/passed under the provisions
of the Memorandum of Association 1981, prior to the promulgation of the
Memorandum of Association 2023, are being protected.
104. Memorandum of Association, 1981 are hereby
Qaisar Butt
Rules Committee
Bar Council
of Punjab, Weekly, Part-III, 25th October, 2023]
WHEREAS it is expedient to establish a fund for the common
benefit of the Punjab Advocates and to provide for subscription thereto and for
the manner of its management and regulation.
therefore, the Punjab Bar Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by
Section 56 clause (f) of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973
(XXXV of 1973) read with Section 62 of the said Act, hereby makes the following
1.1. These
rules shall be called the Punjab Advocates Benevolent Fund Rules, 2023.
1.2. These
Rules shall come into force at once from 07.10.2023.
1.3. In
these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:-
(a) “Act” means the Legal
Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (XXXV of 1973);
(b) “Advocate” means an Advocate
whose name is borne on the Rolls of Punjab Bar Council and the Register
maintained under these Rules;
(c) “Bar Council” means the Punjab
Bar Council;
(d) “Committee” means the
Benevolent Fund Committee of Punjab Bar Council;
(e) “Family” means the Legal
heirs of the deceased Advocate according to the personal law of the Advocate;
(f) “Form” means the form
appended to these Rules;
(g) “Rules” means the Punjab
Advocates Benevolent Fund Rules;
(h) “Vice-Chairman” means the
Vice-Chairman of the Punjab Bar Council.
1.4. The terms, words and phrases not defined
herein shall, wherever the context so permits, have to same meaning as is
assigned to them under the Act.
2.1. There shall be constituted a Benevolent Fund,
(hereinafter called the Fund) comprising as under:--
(a) Advocates (Security) Benevolent Fund,
(hereinafter called Security Fund).
2.2. An applicant
for being enrolled as an advocate shall make contribution at the following
rates of the Fund:-
(i) Under the age of 25 years Rs. 10,000/-
(ii) Under the age of 30 years Rs. 15,000/-
(iii) Under the age of 35 years Rs. 20,000/-
(iv) Under the age of 40 years Rs. 30,000/-
2.3 No advocate shall be entitled to make the
contribution in Benevolent Fund after attaining the age of 40 years.
2.4. To the credit
of the Fund shall be placed:-
(a) All sums paid by the Advocates as
contribution to the Fund;
(b) all grants made by the Federal or
Provincial Governments, autonomous bodies, organizations, institutions or other
authorities; and
(c) donations made by the Advocates in
addition to their contribution:
that 10 percent of Govt. grant (without specific purpose) received by Bar
council will be transferred to the benevolent fund Accounts for fixed deposits
only. (Long Term Deposit / Certificates of National Savings)
2.5. Out of annual
income accrued from the investments of the Fund received, shall be allocated to
the Security Fund and Refund Claims to the Advocates who will be attained the
age of 70 years.
2.6. The amount
credited to the Benevolent Fund shall be utilized for:
(a) Payment
of amounts under the Rules;
(b) The
purposes authorized by the Act and the Rules;
(c) Other
payments and expenses authorized by the Bar Council;
(d) No
meeting expenditures of Benevolent Committee of the Bar Council and its
management will be allowed from the benevolent fund accounts;
(e) No Salary or allowances (Gratuity, C.P.
Fund, Leave encashment or any other allowances of employees) be given to any
employee of Punjab Bar Council or Benevolent Fund Section from the Benevolent
Fund accounts or any account operated under the Benevolent Fund Committee;
(f) Salary of employees of Benevolent Section
will be paid from the accounts of the Punjab Bar Council;
(g) No loan facility of any type be given from
the Benevolent Fund accounts or any account operated under the Benevolent Fund
3.1. The
fund shall be managed by the Benevolent Fund Committee which shall function
under the supervision and control of the Bar Council.
3.2. The
receipts and expenditure shall be separately entered in respect of the Security
Fund and the Refund Claim in a Cash Book to be maintained in the manner
provided by the Punjab Legal Practitioners and Bar Council Rules, 2023.
3.3. The
Fund shall be kept in such bank or invested in such securities as may be
approved by the Bar Council.
3.4. The
bank account shall be operated by the Vice-Chairman and Chairman Benevolent
Fund Committee jointly, or by any two members of Punjab bar council authorized
by bar council as they may authorize.
3.5. The
accounts shall be audited in the manner prescribed by the Punjab Legal
Practitioners and Bar Council Rules, 2023, through QCR rating audit companies,
according to the International Standards on Auditing as adopted in Pakistan.
3.6. The
Audited Annual Statement of Account of the Fund shall be laid before the first meeting
of the Bar Council held after 1st March of every year.
3.7. Bar Council may examine the accounts at any
time as it deems fit.
3.8. Annual Audit report be put before the general
house of the Punjab Bar Council in the next ensuing meeting.
3.9. A summary of such statement may be provided to
the recognized bar association and member Punjab Bar Council on request.
4.1. (1) An advocate after attaining the age of
(70) years, will be entitled of Hundred (100) percent of his
total entitlement/claim as per his / her deposited amount in his life time.
Provided that
Advocate himself / herself shall be paid out of the Security Fund:-
a. Rs.
35,000/-, if the Advocate is the annual contributory of the funds or,
b. Rs.
40,000/-, if the Advocate made the lump sum contribution of
Rs. 1,000/- only or,
c. Rs. 60,000/-, if
the Advocate had made the contribution of Rs. 2,000/-
d. (i) Rs.
60,000/-, if the Advocate had made the contribution of Rs.2,500/- &
(ii) Rs.
100,000/-, if the Advocate had made the contribution of Rs. 3,000/-
e. Rs. 300,000/-, if
the Advocate had made the contribution according to Rule 2.2:
Provided further that double
amount shall be paid if the Advocate or the applicant had deposited double
contribution under Rule 2.2.
(2) Total
entitlement (100 %) shall be paid to the legal heirs of the deceased Advocate
as his / her death claim as per his / her personal law.
Provided that death
claim will be paid to the legal heirs of the deceased Advocate as:-
a. Rs. 35,000/-, if
the deceased Advocate was the annual contributory of the funds or,
b. Rs. 40,000/-, if
the deceased Advocate made the lump sum contribution of Rs. 1,000/- only or,
c. Rs. 60,000/-, if the
deceased Advocate had made the contribution of Rs. 2,000/-
d. (i) Rs. 60,000/-, if the deceased Advocate
had made the contribution of Rs.2,500/- &
(ii) Rs. 100,000/-, if the deceased Advocate
had made the contribution of Rs. 3,000/-
e. Rs. 300,000/-, if
the deceased Advocate had made the contribution according to Rule 2.2:
Provided further that double
amount shall be paid to the legal heirs if the deceased Advocate had deposited
double contribution under Rule 2.2.
4.2. (1) If an
advocate has been permanently incapacitated physically or mentally (Life
threatening condition) to discharge his professional duties as declared by the
district standing medical board of concerned district. Punjab Bar Council will
pay full claim of his entitlement, but not less than one lac rupees as
mentioned in aforementioned first proviso of Rule 4.1(1) (a), (b), (c) &
(2) Advocate will
surrender his practicing licence to the bar council, at the time of receiving
the claim cheque due to permanently incapacitated physically or mentally.
(3) Benevolent fund
committee will ensure the delivery of cheque to his name or any other related
person of the advocate, and surrender of practicing licence.
(4) Advocate and
his legal heirs neither claim nor entitle the second/further claim of
benevolent fund.
(5) Benevolent fund
committee will call the medical reports from the hospital through medical
superintendent concerned. In case, benevolent fund committee needs any medical
assistance or report, committee may call the assistance from the secretary
health or any concerned senior officials of health department in Pakistan or
(6) That double
amount shall be paid if the Advocate or the applicant had deposited double
contribution under Rule 2.2.
(7) The payment out
of the security fund under these Rules shall be made on the production of the
medical certificate duly attested by the district standing medical board.
4.3. (1) Advocate,
who is suffering the disease of cancer (Life threatening condition, but not
early stage) will be entitled of 100% of his/her total entitlement/claim as per
his / her deposited amount / share as per rule 2.2 in his life time as
benevolent fund share.
(2) If an advocate
is suffering the disease of cancer, he will submit his claim in his life time and
annex the report of one government hospital and Shoukat Khanam Hospital or Agha
Khan Hospital or any other Hospital who is providing the medical treatment to
the cancer patient in Pakistan.
(3) Benevolent fund
committee of Punjab Bar Council will satisfy itself after receiving the medical
reports of cancer disease.
(4) Benevolent fund
committee may call the verification report of the Medical reports submitted by
the advocate from the concerned medical hospital.
(5) Benevolent Fund
Committee after approval of the benevolent fund claim, put his report alongwith
all medical certificates, verification reports before the General house of the
Punjab Bar Council. Punjab Bar Council will approve the final claim in its
meeting. No cheque will be issued without the approval of the Bar Council.
(6) Benevolent fund
committee will ensure the delivery of cheque to his name or any other related
person of the advocate as per his own request.
(7) Advocate and
his legal heirs, neither claim nor entitle the second / further claim of
benevolent fund.
(8) Benevolent fund
committee will call the medical reports from the hospital through medical
superintendent concerned. In case, benevolent fund committee needs any medical
assistance or report, committee may call the assistance from the secretary
health or any concerned senior officials of health department in Punjab /
Pakistan or any public/government or private hospitals, even from abroad.
(9) An Advocate
will note surrender his practicing license to the Punjab Bar Council after
receiving the claim of Benevolent Fund.
4.4. (1) Advocate,
who is suffering the disease of Liver Transplant (Life threatening condition),
Kidney transplant (Life threatening condition), Kidney Dialyses (Life
threatening condition and dialyses in routine) and heart surgery (Life
threatening condition, but not stent treatment) will be entitled of 100% of
his/her total entitlement/claim as per his/her deposited amount in his life
time as benevolent fund share / claim according to the deposited share / amount
under rule 2.2.
(2) If an advocate
is suffering the disease of Liver Transplant, Kidney Dialyses and heart
surgery, he will submit his claim in his life time and attach the report of one
government hospital and Shoukat Khanam Hospital or Agha Khan Hospital or any
other Hospital who is providing the medical treatment in Pakistan or abroad.
(3) Benevolent fund
committee of Punjab Bar Council will satisfy itself after receiving the medical
(4) Benevolent fund
committee may call the verification report of the Medical reports submitted by
the advocate from the concerned medical hospitals.
(5) Benevolent Fund Committee after approval of the
benevolent fund claim, put his report alongwith all medical certificates, verification
reports before the General house of the Punjab Bar Council. Punjab Bar Council
will approve the final claim in its meeting. No cheque will be issued without
the approval of the Bar Council.
(6) Benevolent fund
committee will ensure the delivery of cheque to his name or to his nominated
(7) Advocate and
his legal heirs, neither claim nor entitle the second/further claim of
benevolent fund.
(8) Benevolent fund
committee will call the medical reports from the hospital through medical superintendent
concerned. In case, benevolent fund committee needs any medical assistance or
report, committee may call the assistance from the secretary health or any
concerned senior officials of health department in Punjab/Pakistan or any
public/government or private hospitals or abroad.
(9) An Advocate
will not surrender his practicing license to the Punjab Bar Council after
receiving the claim of Benevolent Fund under this Rule.
4.5. If an advocate
has received payment of claim on account of permanent incapacitation physically
or mentally (Life threatening condition) under Rule 4.2, he shall cease to be
member of the scheme.
4.6. Payment of
death claim of the Benevolent Fund Scheme be paid to the legal heirs of the
deceased advocate by the approval of Benevolent Fund Committee and matter shall
be placed in next meeting of the general house.
4.7. On the death
of an Advocate the amount out of the Security Fund, shall be paid to legal
heirs of the Advocate as per his / her personal law.
4.8. (1) In case of
any final order or judgment or decree passed by Court of competent
jurisdiction, the committee shall follow it.
(2) Applicant
(legal heir of the deceased, and in favour of his, death claim of the deceased
advocate is accepted), is remained duty bound to return the amount of death
claim, if court of competent jurisdiction pass any order / judgment in favour
of other legal heirs, whatever. may be. Punjab Bar Council may recover the said
amount as arrears of land revenue.
4.9. In case of
dispute about the date of birth or date of death, then date mentioned on the
matriculation certificate, C.N.I.C., or death register of govt. department,
will be followed. In case of confliction in both, the committee may examine the
record, probe it and decide the matter in accordance with law.
4.10. If an
advocate deposited less amount of benevolent fund fee, then the committee after
examining the record, may reduce the amount of claim while considering the
policy of proportionate.
4.11. Bar Council
shall at least once a year examine the finances of the Benevolent Fund and as a
result of such examination may increase or decrease the contribution payable
under Rule 2.2, or may increase the amount payable under Rule 4.1.
4.12. Benevolent
fund committee will submit the details of all accounts (including all fixed and
current deposits) to the bar council in the annual budget meeting separately.
5.1. Every Advocate shall alongwith his first contribution due under
these Rules make an application online for registration under these Rules in
Form ‘A’.
5.2. A Register containing the names of Advocates shall be nominated in
Form ‘B’.
5.3. Claims under Chapter - IV shall be in Form ‘C’.
5.4. Application under Chapter - IV shall be in Form ‘D’.
5.5 The Advocates who was enrolled on the role of the Punjab Bar Council
as an advocate, prior to the establishment of the Islamabad Bar Council
(18.06.2014,) and had been transferred from the role of the Punjab Bar Council
to the role of Islamabad Bar Council, can file their maturity claims after
attaining the age of superannuation and in case of death, their legal heirs can
submitted their death claims to the Punjab Bar Council, through Islamabad Bar
5.6. The Punjab
Advocate Benevolent Fund Rules 1974 is hereby repealed.
Name: _______________________________________________________
Father’s/Husband’s Name: _____________________________________
Date of Birth:_________________________________________________
Date/Year of enrolment as an Advocate: __________________________
Date/Year of enrolment as Advocate of High Court: ________________
Ordinary place of practice: _____________________________________
Name of Bar Association of which applicant is member: ____________
Date of
No. _________
Name of Advocate:_____________________________________________
Father’s/Husband’s Name: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Date of Birth:_________________________________________________
Cell Number: _________________________________________________
Date of attaining 70 years ______________________________________
Date/Year of enrolment as an Advocate: __________________________
Date/Year of enrolment as Advocate of High Court: ________________
Ordinary place of practice: _____________________________________
Name of Bar Association of which applicant is
member: ____________
Date of Claim: ________________________________________________
Decision of Claim: _____________________________________________
Date Claim received: __________________________________________
Payment of Security Fund: _____________________________________
Date of death: ________________________________________________
Final payment: _______________________________________________
Remarks: ____________________________________________________
Year Amount Paid Initials]
Name of
Advocate: ____________________________________________
Date of
Death: ________________________________________________
(Attach death certificate attested by the Member Punjab Bar Council/ President
Bar Association).
Name of
Applicant: ____________________________________________
No. ___________________________________________________
As per directions of the Benevolent Fund
Committee, you are asked to furnish the following documents:- 1. Copy of Death Certificate of the deceased
advocate. 2. Copies of CNIC & Identity Card, Issued by
the Bar Council, to the deceased advocate. 3. Condolence resolution of the Bar Association,
passed on the sad demise of the deceased advocate. 4. List of Legal Heirs of the deceased advocate
alongwith copies of their CNIC and status of the Parents of deceased advocate
and their consent on affidavits regarding issuance of cheque in favour of
applicant. 5. Succession issued from the Competent Court of
Jurisdiction. 6. In case of minors, Guardianship Certificate be
also issued from the Competent Court of Jurisdiction with the permission to
collect the share of the minors from Bar Council. NOTE: ALL
SIGNATURE: ________ ADDRESS: ___________ _______________________ ______________________ P/ADDRESS: _________ ______________________ ______________________ |
1. Name of Advocate:_______________________________________
2. Father’s/Husband’s Name: ________________________________
3. Station:_________________________________________________
4. Date of Death:___________________________________________
5. Date of Birth:____________________________________________
6. Age at the time of Death:__________________________________
7. Security claim received
on: _______________________________
8. Security claim attested
9. Resolution of the Bar: ____________________________________
10. Renewal Section’s Report:_________________________________
11. Payment on record verified:_______________________________
By the Accountant _______________________________________
12. Decision of the Committee ________________________________
13. Decision of the Bar Council
if any__________________________
14. Amount of the Claim
Payable: ____________________________ ]
Qaisar Butt
Rules Committee
Bar Council
of Punjab, Weekly, Part-III, 25th October, 2023]
In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 56 of the
Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (XXXV of 1973), the
Punjab Bar Council has
made the certain Amendments in The Punjab Legal Practitioners and Bar Council
Rules, 1974 and The Punjab Advocates Benevolent Fund Rules, 2023 to the
following effects:-
After Rule 2.13, the amended as
aforesaid, following new rule shall be added, namely:
“2.14 (1) Vice
Chairman and Chairman Executive Committee Punjab Bar Council after passing the
rules and resolutions etc, will ensure its implementations in letter and spirit
within fourteen (14) days positively. Copy of it be transmitted to all the
Copy of said minutes be put in next ensuing meeting of the Bar Council for
After Rule 5.49, the amended as aforesaid, following new rule
shall be added, namely:
“5.50 (1) Applicant
for enrollment of an advocate lower court, will deposit the fee according to
his age group.
(2) Age group will be
determined according to the age mentioned in the matriculation certificate and
computerized national identity card.
(3) Age group of an
applicant will be determined from the date of depositing his enrollment fee
after fulfilling above mentioned four basic requirements.
(4) If any one out of
four, is remaining then the age group for depositing the enrollment fee, will
be considered after fulfilling all the four above mentioned basic
RULES, 2023
of Punjab, Weekly, Part-III, 3rd January, 2023]
In exercise of the powers conferred on
it by Section 56 of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (XXXV of
1973), the Punjab Bar Council has made the certain Amendments in The Punjab Legal Practitioners and Bar Council
Rules, 2023, Memorandum of Association, 2023 and The Punjab Advocates
Benevolent Fund Rules, 2023 to the following effects passed by the Bar Council Meeting dated
In Rule 5.2, the existing provision thereof shall be numbered
as Rule 5.2 sub-rule (1) thereof.
In Rule 5.2, after sub-rule (1) the amended as aforesaid,
following new sub-rule (2) shall be added, namely:
“(2) After submitting
the intimation form/application before the Punjab Bar Council and before the
filing of enrollment file, the applicant is duty bound to get his/her identity
verification through bio-metric system/facility provided by the Punjab Bar
Council in its offices, established in the Province of Punjab.”
After Rule 5.3, the amended as aforesaid, following new Rules
5.3-A & 5.3-B shall be added, namely:
“5.3-A (1) After
receiving the enrollment file in the office of Punjab Bar Council, said file
firstly be forwarded in the finance section, who will verify the fees vouchers
attached with the file. Concerned
official will verify the fees vouchers and put his signature with
official stamp, bearing his name and designation.
(2) After this, file
be forwarded to the enrollment section, who will peruse the file, check the
concerned documents as per its legal requirements and also verify the degrees,
Law-gat result (and See-law result, if any) put his signature with official
stamp, bearing his name and designation.
(3) Additional
Secretary will also check the whole file, and will verify all the educational
degrees, Law-gat result, Fees vouchers and other verifications required as per
the provisions of the Act, 1973 and the rules framed thereunder.
(4) Secretary Punjab
Bar Council, after all verifications, will approve the file for final
5.3-B. Wrong
verifications of the educational degrees / Certificates, Law-gat result, Fees
vouchers etc, by the official of the Punjab Bar Council amounts to criminal
misconduct on the part of the said official. Said employee shall liable to be
dismissed from his service after its verification and there is no need for any
regular inquiry.”
In Rule 5.4, after sub-article (5) the amended as aforesaid,
following new sub-article (6) shall be added, namely:
The applicant, who seeks any exemption, relating to the enrollment according to
the provisions of the Act, 1973 and rules framed thereunder, will also pay the
prescribed verification fee and without verification, is not entitled for
In Rule 5.39, after third proviso the amended as aforesaid,
following new proviso shall be added, namely:
“Provided further that the advocate
who joined the service in Pakistan as an advocate on the basis of his licence,
length of experience and his services are connected with law, need not to
suspend their practicing licence.”
After Article 18, the amended as aforesaid, following new
Article 18-A shall be added, namely:
“18-A. Vice
President (Women). The Vice President (Women), in the absence of
Vice-President, will exercise all the powers and duties of Vice President
except the financial powers and the powers, which is assigned to her by the
Executive Committee of the Bar Association.”
In Article 24 after sub-article (2), the amended as aforesaid,
following new sub-article (2A) shall be added, namely:
“(2A) Vice President (Women)”
Article 45-D sub-article (e), in which table after the second
row Vice-President the amended as aforesaid, following new row Vice-President
(Women) shall be inserted, namely:
“Vice-President (Women) |
(i) 6 years in case of Tehsil /
Sub-Divisional Bar Association; (ii) 8 years in case of District Bar
Association; & (iii) 12 years in case of High Court Bar
Association.” |
Article 45-D sub-article (e), explanation
sub-clause (i) in which table second row for the word
“Vice-President/Secretary” the word
(Women)/ Secretary” shall be substituted.
In Article 91 sub-article (12), for
the full stop at the end, a colon shall be substituted and thereafter the
following proviso shall be added, namely:
that any fund or contribution from the Bar Association Accounts or Funds or
grants for Tour, Picnic or Recreation purpose etc by the President or Secretary
or any Member of Executive Committee, amounts to misconduct. Finance Committee
of Punjab Bar Council will ensure the recovery of the said fund or contribution
and will send the case to the Disciplinary Committee of the Punjab Bar Council
for further proceedings in accordance with the act and the rules framed there
RULES, 2023
In Rule 2.3, for the full stop at the end, a colon shall be
substituted and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely:
“Provided that any advocate who has
not attained the age of forty (40) years and has not deposited the Benevolent
Fund contribution under rule 2.2, may join the Benevolent Fund scheme while
depositing the required contribution of
Rs. 30,000/-.”
Shahzad Chaudhry
Executive Committee
of Punjab, Weekly, Part-III, dated 13th March, 2024]
In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 56 of the
Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (XXXV of 1973), the Punjab Bar
Council has made the certain Amendments in The
Punjab Legal Practitioners and Bar
Council Rules, 2023 to the following effects passed by the Bar Council
Meeting dated 09.12.2023:-
In Rule 6.21, after sub-rule (xxx), the amended as aforesaid,
following new sub-rule (xxxi) shall be added, namely:
“(xxxi) “No lawyer in uniform or on a social media channel/ account
wherein he promotes himself as a lawyer in the account name, shall use social
media for conduct against the dignity of the profession which unacceptable
conduct includes modelling, Tik-toking and other videos with film dialogues,
songs or dancing, singing, duetting while in uniform, making or supporting
threats of violence, appearing with guns or with bodyguards or solely
ostentatious displays of wealth or power, advertising legal and other services,
etc. Lawyers when in uniform shall maintain the dignity of their profession and
the uniform. Any such violation on the part of advocate, would amount to
professional misconduct.”
Asif Shahzad Chaudhry
Chairman Executive Committee
[1]. Passed by Punjab Bar Council in its
meeting held on 5.8.2023, Punjab Weekly Gazette, Part-III, Page 232, dated
[2]. Passed by Punjab Bar Council in its
meeting held on 7.10.2023, Punjab Weekly Gazette, Part-III, Page 266, dated
[3]. Passed by Punjab Bar Council in its
meeting held on 7.10.2023, Punjab Weekly Gazette, Part-III, Page 265, dated
[4]. Passed by Punjab Bar Council in its
meeting held on 9.12.2023, Punjab Weekly Gazette, Part-III, Page 409, dated
[5]. Passed by Punjab Bar Council in its
meeting held on 9.12.2023, Punjab Weekly Gazette, Part-III, Page 520, dated