ACT NO. I OF 2011
ACT, 2011
An Act to provide for the
constitution of a Board of Revenue for Gilgit-Baltistan
[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, 23rd
May, 2011]
Secy-Law (Legis)-1/2008.WHEREAS,
it is expedient to provide Law for the constitution of a Board of Revenue for
It is hereby enacted as follows:
1. Short title, extent and commencement.(1) This Act may be called the
Gilgit-Baltistan Board of Revenue Act, 2011.
(2) It
extends to the whole of Gilgit-Baltistan.
(3) It
shall come into force at once.
2. Definition.Unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context:
(i) "Board"
means the Gilgit-Baltistan Board of Revenue established under this Act,
(ii) "Government"
means the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan,
(iii) "Member"
means a member of the Board of Revenue established under this Act.
3. Constitution of Board of Revenue.(1) There shall be a Board of Revenue for
Gilgit-Baltistan which shall consist of such members as may be appointed by the
Government from time to time.
(2) Government
may, whenever consider necessary or expedient, appoint or remove a Member.
4. Superintendence and control of Revenue
Officers and Revenue Courts.
(1) Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in any other law for the time being in
force, but subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), and to any orders of
the Government with respect to the appointments and conditions of service of
Revenue Officers, the general superintendence and control over all Revenue
Officers and Revenue Courts in Gilgit-Baltistan shall vest in, and all such
officers in so far as their functions as Revenue Officers are concerned, shall
be subordinate to the Board.
(2) The
Board shall be subject to the control of the Government and all matters, other
than those in which the Board exercises appellate and revisional jurisdiction,
the Government shall have power to issue such directions to the Board as may be
considered necessary or expedient and the Board shall carry out those
5. Powers of the Board.(1) The Board shall be the controlling
authority in all matters connected with the administration of the land,
collection of land revenue, preparations of land records and other matters
relating thereto.
The Board shall be the highest Court of appeal and revision in revenue
cases in Gilgit-Baltistan.
6. Conduct of Business.(1) Subject to the approval of the
Government, the Board may distribute its business amongst its members and may
by rules, regulate the procedure of all proceedings before it.
(2) Any
order made or a decree passed by a member shall be deemed to be the order or
decree of the Board,
(3) In
a case where the Members of the Board are required to dispose of collectively,
in accordance with the rules framed under this Act, there is a difference of
opinion amongst the Members as to the decision to be given on any point:
(a) It
shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority of members if there
is such a majority, and
(b) If
Members are equally divided the Members shall state the point on which they
differ and the case shall then be heard, on that point collectively by those
Members who heard it and by another Members and if there is not such Member by
an additional Member, to be appointed by the Government for the purpose of that
case, and then the point on which there is the difference of opinion shall be
decided according to the opinion of majority of all such Members.
7. Revision of orders by Board.(1) Any order made or a decree passed by a
Member either on appeal or in revision shall subject to any order made or
decree passed under the provisions of sub-section (2) and (3) of this section
and of Section 8, be final.
Any person considering himself aggrieved by any order made or a decree
passed by a Member, in such class of cases as may be specified in the rules
framed under section of this Act, may apply to the Board for revision of such
order or decree, and if the Full Board considers that there are sufficient
reasons for doing so, it may revise that order or decree and pass such further
order as it may think fit after hearing of the parties:
Provided that no revision shall lie to the
Full Board against an order made or a decree passed by a Member in exercise of
the revisional jurisdiction.
"Full Board" shall mean two or more
members of the Board, as may be determined by the rules.
Every application under sub section (2) for revision of an order or
decree shall be made within a period of ninety days from the date of that order
or decree.
8. Review of orders by the Board.(1) Any person considering himself aggrieved
by a decree passed or an order made by the Board and who, from the discovery of
new and important matter of evidence which, after the exercise of due diligence,
was not within his knowledge or could not be produced by him at the time when
the decree was passed or the order was made, on account of some mistake or
error apparent on the face of the record or for other sufficient reason desires
to obtain a review of the decree passed or order made against him may apply to
the Board for a review of judgment affected thereby and after hearing them,
pass such decree or order as the circumstances of the case require.
Every application for a review of a decree or order under sub-section
(1) shall be made within ninety days from the date of that decree or order.
9. Power to make rules.(1) The Board may, subject to the prior
approval of the Government, make rules for the purpose of carrying into effect
the provisions of this Act.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of
the power conferred by sub-section (1), the Board may make rules for all or any
of the following purposes, namely:
(i) The
procedure to be followed in any proceedings taken before a Revenue Officer or
(ii) To prescribe the forms, manner and subject in, or on which any returns or information about any case or class of cases or proceeding or other matters shall be submitted by a Revenue Officer or Court to the Board or to any other authority.
(iii) To
prescribe the authorities of the officers by whom any particular case or class
of cases generally, or with respect to any particular locality, shall be dealt
(iv) To
provide for the territorial and pecuniary limits of jurisdiction of the various
Revenue Courts.
(v) To
specify the class of cases in which a revision under sub-section (2) of Section
7, shall lie to the Board.
RULES, 2011
[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, 9th
May, 2011]
372 (I)/2011.In exercise of
the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 57 of the Pakistan
Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act, 1996 (XVII of 1996) read with
sub-section (2) of Section 42 thereof, the Federal Government is pleased to
make the following rules, namely:
1. Short title and commencement.(1) These rules may be called the Frequency
Allocation Board (Release of Funds) Rules, 2011.
They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.(1) Unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context,
(a) "Act"
means the Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act, 1996 (XVII of
(b) "budget
estimates" mean budget estimates and revised budget estimates required to
meet expenditure of the Board for each financial year; and
(c) "Executive
Director" means Executive Director of the Board.
The words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have the
same meanings as are assigned to them in the Act.
3. Procedure for preparation of budget estimates.(1) The Board headquarters shall prepare its
budget estimates, well planned, justified with financial requirements and
comprising the capital including development schemes, and forward it by
fifteenth day of January in each financial year, to the Authority for inclusion
in its overall budget and approval.
(2) Approval
of development projects of the Board shall be regulated and approved by such
rules or regulations made or instructions issued, and on concurrence of such
forum as may be determined, by the Federal Government.
(3) For
the purpose of resolving any discrepancy or anomaly in finalization of the
budget of the Board, Chairman of the Authority and Executive Director of the
Board shall nominate their representatives.
(4) For
the purpose of monitoring effective utilization of the budget, the Board shall
maintain monthly reports.
(5) The
Executive Director shall be responsible for exercising necessary budgetary
control, financial discipline, administrative and financial powers to the
extent of the approved / budget.
4. Release of approved budget.(1) The Authority shall allocate the budget
approved under rule 3 and transfer it in disbursement account of the Board on
quarterly basis by the fifteenth day of first month in each quarter.
(2) The
Authority shall release the budget for the approved development projects of the
Board in advance on requisition of the Board and in accordance with the
relevant clauses for payment in the contracts. The Board shall provide to the
Authority monthly progress report of its development projects.
(3) For
appropriate accounting, the Board shall provide on quarterly basis to the
Authority complete bank reconciliation statements alongwith expenditure
statements duly verified by an officer of the Board and the bank, as the case
may be.
(4) The
Board shall, by thirtieth day of June in each financial year, surrender its
unutilized budget to the Authority.
5. Maintenance of accounts.The accounts of the Board shall be maintained
in such form and in such manner as the Federal Government may determine in
consultation with the Auditor-General of Pakistan.
6. Audit of accounts.The accounts of the Board shall, at the close
of each financial year, be audited by the Auditor-General of Pakistan. The
Board shall meet all audit requirements in respect of payments and procurements
made and for actions of any committee constituted for such purposes.
7. Observance of law in procurements.All procurements by the Board shall be made
in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Regulatory
Authority Ordinance, 2002 (XXII of 2002) and the rules and regulation's made
RULES, 2010
[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, 15th
January, 2011]
41 (I)/2011.In exercise of
the powers conferred by Section 13 of the Protection Against Harassment of
Women at the Workplace Act, 2010 (IV of 2010), the Federal Government is
pleased to make the following rules, namely:
1. Short title and commencement.(1) These rules may be called the Protection
against harassment of women at the workplace Rules, 2010.
They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.(1) In these rules, unless there is anything
repugnant in the subject or context,
(a) "Act"
means the Protection against Harassment of women at the Workplace Act, 2010 (IV
of 2010);
(b) "District
Court" means the Court of a District Judge established under the West
Pakistan Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (W.P. Ordinance No. II of 1962); and
(c) "Ombudsman"
means an Ombudsman appointed under Section 7 of the Act by the Federal
Government at Federal level and by a Provincial Government for respective
Province, as the case may be;
The words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have
the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act.
3. Designation of the competent
authority.(1) Each
organization shall designate a competent authority under sub-section (4) of
Section 3 of the Act.
(2) A
copy of the order designating the competent authority shall within seven days
of its issuance be sent to the Ombudsman, Federal Government and the respective
Provincial Government, as the case may be, and shall also be circulated to all
employees of the organization by the organization.
(3) No
discrimination on the basis of gender shall be made in designating a competent
4. Filing a complaint.(1) A complainant may address a complaint
either to the Inquiry Committee through any of its members or the Ombudsman
under sub-section (1) of Section 8 of the Act.
(2) The
employer shall be informed by the Inquiry Committee or the Ombudsman about
filing of the complaint immediately after its filing or receipt with direction
of strict confidentiality.
(3) The
complainant may withdraw, with the permission of Inquiry Committee, his or her
complaint at any stage before any decision thereon,
5. Contents of the complaint.(1) The complaint may contain,
(a) comprehensive
statement of all facts relating to an incident of harassment at the workplace
with all necessary details;
(b) all
documents, evidence or other supporting material in whatever form it may be,
such as audio, video or documentary or in any other form;
(c) names
of witnesses; and
(d) any
other material, detail, evidence or person which will be relied upon or having
any relation with the incident.
(2) The
complainant shall undertake that information contained in his or complaint is
true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.
(3) A
party may amend his or her complaint or defence statement, as the case may be,
at any stage of the inquiry.
(4) The
complaint shall be duly signed by the complainant or if he or she cannot sign
shall affix thumb impression.
6. Inquiry Committee.(1) Each organization shall constitute one
or, if required more, Inquiry Committee as specified in Section 3 of the Act.
(2) The
appointment of members shall be based on the credibility and gender sensitivity
of the particular individual.
(3) Where
any person resigns from membership of the inquiry committee owing to his or her
transfer from or leaving the organization or inability to perform his or her
functions due to any other reasonable cause, another person shall be appointed
as member in his or her place by the organization.
7. Procedure of Inquiry Committee.(1) Subject to Section 4 of the Act, the
Inquiry Committee shall
(a) ensure
a non-discriminatory environment for holding an inquiry;
(b) ask
for documents or other information relating to incident of reported harassment
and consider the same;.
(c) not
make public any document or statement of any party to inquiry and maintain high
standards of confidentiality as provided under clause (a) of sub-section (3) of
Section 4 of the Act; and
(d) make
suitable arrangements for safe custody of all documents, record or other
material relating to inquiry proceedings.
All documents, information, record, proceedings and findings of the
Inquiry Committee shall be confidential and no copies thereof shall be provided
to any person not related to the case under the rules or Act.
8. Recommendations and findings.(1) The recommendations and findings of the
Inquiry Committee shall be, comprehensive and supported with logical arguments
and substantiated by available evidence if any.
The findings and recommendations of Inquiry Committee shall also
recommend major or minor penalties, as provided in sub-section (4) of Section
4, with justifications for imposition of such penalty or fine.
(3) The
Inquiry Committee may also recommend suitable compensation to the aggrieved
person in case of loss of salary or other damages.
(4) The
Inquiry Committee may provide copy of its report to both the parties free of
9. Imposition of penalty.(1) On receipt of the recommendations and
findings of the Inquiry Committee or the Ombudsman, the competent authority
shall impose the penalty recommended by the Inquiry Committee or Ombudsman
within one week of the receipt of the recommendations and findings or otherwise
refer back the case to Inquiry Committee with observations to be addressed
The copies of the final order or notification containing a penalty
imposed under sub-rule (1) shall be forwarded to the accused and the
complainant as well as to the Inquiry Committee or the Ombudsman, as the case
may be.
10. Procedure before the Ombudsman.(1) The show cause notice under sub-section
(2) of Section 7 of the Act shall contain allegations levelled against the
accused by the complainant and be accompanied with a copy of the complaint.
(2) On
receipt of written defence of the show cause notice, the Ombudsman shall
formulate conclusions to reach some recommendations or findings.
(3) Where
the Ombudsman is unable to reach any conclusions as mentioned in sub-rule (2),
he shall issue a notice summoning the parties to appear before him on the time
and date prescribed in such notice.
(4) On
the time and date as prescribed under sub-rule (3), the accused and the
complainant shall appear before the Ombudsman with all supporting material,
documents, information or other substantial evidence in their custody.
(5) The
Ombudsman may also call witnesses, any record from any authority, organization
of the accused and the complainant or any other person having some information
or document to appear before him and produce such documents, information or to
give oral evidence before the Ombudsman.
(6) On
perusal of the documents, evidence of the witnesses and hearing the parties,
the Ombudsman shall formulate his recommendations and findings.
(7) In
the absence of any express provision regarding conduct of proceedings or
inquiry, the Ombudsman shall have the power to conduct the proceedings or
inquiry as he deems fit and just according to circumstances of the case to
arrive at a conclusion and formulate his recommendations and findings in the
(8) The
Ombudsman shall decide a case under the Act as expeditiously as possible; and
send a copy of his decision for implementation to the competent authority.
(9) The
recommendations, findings and decisions of the Ombudsman shall be comprehensive
and supported with logical arguments and substantiated by available evidence.
(10) The
decision of the Ombudsman shall also clearly mention major or minor penalties
as provided in sub-section (4) of Section 4 of the Act with justifications for
imposition of such penalty.
(11) The
copies of the decision shall be sent to the competent authority and to both the
complainant and the accused.
(12) The
management or the competent authority of an organization shall implement the
orders of the Ombudsman as directed by the Ombudsman within fourteen days from
the receipt of the orders or within the period specified by the Ombudsman and
shall within five days after execution of such order inform the Ombudsman, the
accused and the complainant of such implementation.
11. Staff of the Ombudsman.(1) The Ombudsman may recruit and appoint
such persons as his staff which is necessary to carry out and perform functions
of his office appropriately.
(2) The
Ombudsman in consultation with the Federal Government or the respective
Provincial Government in the case of a Province may determine terms and
conditions of service of persons recruited as his staff
(3) The
Ombudsman shall decide all matters regarding persons of his staff, their terms
and conditions of service.
(4) The
Federal Government or the Provincial Government, as the case may be, shall
provide all necessary finances to the Ombudsman as provided under sub-section
(2) of Section 7 of the Act.
12. Financial provisions for the Ombudsman
and his staff.The Federal
Government or the respective Provincial Government shall make necessary
budgetary provisions for the Ombudsman, staff of his office and for all other
necessary matters for smooth functioning of the office of the Ombudsman.
13. Psycho-social counselling or medical
treatment or additional medical leave.The Inquiry Committee or the Ombudsman may, to the employer recommend
appropriate remedial measures in cases where the complainant or the accused is
in a state of trauma, depression or other psychological shock.
14. Advice and counselling to parties.(1) Nomination of an officer to provide
necessary advice and assistance to each of the complainant and the accused
under clause (b) of sub-section (3) of Section 4 of the Act, the employer may
appoint a counselling officer possessing knowledge of law, human psychology,
friendly and mature social behaviour and who shall impartiality render the
advice and assistance.
The counselling officer may recommend all necessary steps to the
employer for avoidance of harassment of any kind at work place in the light of
socio-cultural requirements of the area and organization.
15. Form of Appeal.(1) Every person preferring an appeal under
Section 6 of the Act shall do so separately and in his or her own name.
(2) Every
appeal preferred under the Act shall contain all material statements and
arguments relied upon by the appellant.
(3) The
appeal shall be complete in all respect and shall not contain any matter which
is derogatory and accusatory or disrespectful or in improper language.
(4) Every
appeal shall be submitted directly to the appellate authority.
(5) The
contents of the appeal shall be verified by the aggrieved party to be true to
his or her knowledge and belief and signed or affixed with thumb impression.
16. Representation to the President.(1) Any person, working under an employer
administered and controlled by the Federal Government or under any Federal law
and aggrieved by a decision of Ombudsman under sub-section (5) of Section 8 of
the Act, may make a representation to the President.
(2) The
representation shall be filed within thirty days of decision.
(3) The
representation shall contain all material statements and arguments relied upon
by the aggrieved person with all supporting documents.
(4) The
representation shall be complete in all respect and shall not contain any
matter which is derogatory or accusatory or disrespectful or in improper
(5) The
representation shall be addressed to office of the President and posted through
mail or by any other suitable method.
(6) The
order of the President shall be communicated to both the parties, the Appellate
Authority or Ombudsman as well as the employer or management of the
There shall be no appeal against the orders of the President and it
shall be final.
17. Representation to the Governor.(1) Any person, working under an employer or
in an organization administered and controlled by a Provincial Government or
under any Provincial law and aggrieved by a decision of Ombudsman under sub-section
(5) of Section 8, may make a representation to the Governor of the Province.
(2) The
representation shall be filed within thirty days of decision.
(3) The
representation shall contain all material statements and arguments relied upon
by the aggrieved person with all supporting documents.
(4) The
representation shall be complete in all respect and shall not contain any
matter which is derogatory or accusatory or disrespectful or in improper
(5) The
representation shall be addressed to the office of the Governor and posted
through mail or by any other suitable method.
(6) The
order of the Governor shall be communicated to both the parties, the Appellate
Authority or Ombudsman as well as the employer or management of the
(7) There
shall be no appeal against the orders of the Governor and it shall be final.
RULES, 2011
[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-II,
18th February, 2011]
128(I)/2011.In exercise of
the powers conferred by Section 33 of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance,
1969 (XVII of 1969) read with Section 16 thereof and clause (b) of Section 43
of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act, 1997 (XLII of 1997)
and having been previously published in the official Gazette vide Notification
No. S.R.O. 384(I)/2010, dated the 3rd June, 2010, as required by sub-section
(2) of Section 39 of the said Act XLII of 1997, the Securities and Exchange
Commission of Pakistan with the approval of the Federal Government, hereby
makes the following rules, namely:
Short title and commencement.(1)
These rules may be called the Securities (Leveraged Markets and Pledging)
Rules, 2011.
They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.(1) In these rules, unless there is anything
repugnant in the subject or context,
(a) "Annexure"
means Annexure to these rules;
(b) "authorized
intermediary" means any person referred in sub-rule (2) of Rule 3
registered with the Commission as an authorized intermediary under these rules;
(c) "borrower"
means a person who borrows securities under these rules from a lender through
the platform provided by an authorized intermediary for the purpose of
securities lending and borrowing transactions;
(d) "clearing
company" means a company registered as a clearing house under the Clearing
Houses (Registration and Regulation) Rules, 2005;
(e) "financee"
means the person availing the facility of margin financing or margin trading;
(f) "lender" means a person who lends securities to a borrower through the platform provided by an authorized intermediary for the purpose of securities lending and borrowing transactions;
(g) "leveraged
market" means the market for offering any of the leveraged market
(h) "leveraged market contracts" means contracts relating to each of margin financing, margin trading and securities lending and borrowing;
(i) "leveraged
market participants" means any of the parties to leveraged market
contracts or a person offering any leveraged market contract;
(j) "margin
financier" means such person registered and allowed under these rules to
provide margin financing;
(k) "margin
financing" means extension or maintenance of credit for the purpose of
purchasing or carrying any security through an authorized intermediary, as
provided in Chapter III;
(l) "margin
financing agreement" means an agreement executed between the margin
financier and the financee for the purpose of margin financing;
(m) "margin
trading" means extension or maintenance of credit through the platform
provided by an authorized intermediary for the purpose of purchasing or
carrying any security, as provided in Chapter IV;
(n) ''Ordinance"
means the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 (XVII of 1969);
(o) "regulations"
means regulations made by
(i) a stock exchange, under the Ordinance;
(ii) a central depository, under the Central
Depositories Act, 1997; or
(iii) a clearing company, under its bye-laws,
for the respective leveraged market contracts with the previous approval of the
(p) "securities
lending and borrowing" means lending of securities by the lender and
borrowing of securities by the borrower, through platform provided by an
authorized intermediary, as provided in Chapter V;
(q) "significant
shareholder" means a person holding, directly or indirectly, ten percent
or more shares in a company;
(r) "spot
period" means the trading period as notified by the stock exchanges prior
to the commencement of book closure; and
(s) "trading
financier" means such person registered and allowed under these rules to
provide financing under margin trading.
All other words and expressions used but not defined in these rules
shall, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, have the
same meanings as assigned to them under the Ordinance, the Companies Ordinance,
1984 (XLVII of 1984) and the Central Depositories Act, 1997 (XIX of 1997).
3. Authorized intermediary.(1) The Commission shall determine the number
and places for the establishment of authorized intermediaries.
(2) A
stock exchange, central depository or clearing company desirous of providing a
platform to facilitate transactions relating to any of the leveraged market
contracts may make an application to the Commission for the purpose of acting
as an authorized intermediary for the respective leveraged market contracts.
(3) The
application under sub-rule (2) shall be accompanied by
(a) copies
of documents showing the registration of the applicant as a stock exchange,
central depository or a clearing company, as the case may be;
(b) copies
of Memorandum and Articles of Association;
(c) particulars
of its chief executive officer and directors including their parentage, computerized
national identity card numbers, residential addresses, directorships in other
companies and significant shareholding in other companies;
(d) list of its members in case of a company having no share capital and significant shareholders in case of a company having share capital;
(e) documents
showing that satisfactory internal controls and written compliance procedures
are available to act as authorized intermediary for the respective leveraged
market contracts;
(f) documents
showing that adequate financial, technical, organizational and human resources
are available to facilitate the activity of the respective leveraged market
contracts in a proper and efficient manner, on an ongoing basis;
(g) a
draft of regulations governing the respective leveraged market contracts;
(h) the
fee as specified by the Commission; and
(i) such
other document as may be required by the Commission.
(4) Upon
receipt of the application under sub-rule (2) and the documents specified under
sub-rule (3), the Commission, if satisfied that
(a) the
applicant is eligible for acting as authorized intermediary;
(b) the
applicant is in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements and
conditions; and
(c) it
is in the interest of the capital market for the applicant so to do, may
register the applicant as an authorized intermediary and grant certificate of
registration as specified in Form I as set out in the Annexure and approve with
or without modifications the regulations for the respective leveraged market
The Commission may, while registering an applicant as an authorized
intermediary, specify conditions for such registration to be complied by the
authorized intermediary in such manner and time, as it may think fit.
4. Refusal to grant registration.(1) No application for registration made
under rule 3 shall be refused except after giving the applicant an opportunity
of being heard.
(2) In
case the Commission refuses to grant registration to an applicant, the decision
shall be communicated to the applicant stating therein the reasons for such
5. Suspension or restriction of authorized
intermediary.(1) The
Commission may by an order in writing impose any restrictions on an authorized
intermediary or suspend its registration, if
(a) the
Commission, on reasonable grounds, believes that such action is in the interest
of the capital market;
(b) the
authorized intermediary fails to comply with the provisions of the Ordinance,
these rules, any regulations or any directive or circular issued by the
Commission or any condition of registration specified by the Commission;
(c) the
authorized intermediary fails to effectively implement or comply with the
(d) the
authorized intermediary fails to make any amendments to the regulations as may
be required by the Commission;
(e) the
authorized intermediary fails or refuses to furnish the information required
under any law to be furnished or required by the Commission or furnishes
incorrect or incomplete information;
(f) the
authorized intermediary fails or refuses to cooperate in any audit, enquiry,
inspection or investigation ordered by the Commission; or
(g) the
authorized intermediary refuses or fails to pay a penalty, if any, imposed by
the Commission.
(2) The
order of the Commission imposing any restriction or suspending the registration
of the authorized intermediary shall state the period of restriction or
suspension which shall not in the first instance exceed ninety days and such
restriction or suspension may be extended by the Commission provided that the
period of each such extension shall not exceed ninety days.
(3) The
Commission while suspending the registration of an authorized intermediary may
impose such conditions, as it deems proper, on the authorized intermediary.
(4) During the suspension the
leveraged market contracts entered into before the suspension shall, subject to
any directions issued by the Commission and regulations made by authorized
intermediary, continue to remain valid and leveraged market participants shall
fulfill their respective obligations under such leveraged market contracts
6. Cancellation of registration of authorized
intermediary.(1) The
Commission may cancel the registration of an authorized intermediary after
providing it an opportunity of hearing, if
(a) the
cause of restriction or suspension of registration under Rule 5 continues for a
period of not less than ninety days;
(b) the
authorized intermediary refuses or fails to pay the penalty, if any, imposed by
the Commission;
(c) the
Commission determines that cancellation of registration will be in the interest
of the capital market;
(d) a
Court of competent jurisdiction has passed a winding up order of the authorized
intermediary or a resolution has been passed or petition has been filed for
voluntary winding-up of the authorized intermediary;
(e) the
Commission, on reasonable grounds, believes that any other person referred to
in sub-rule (2) of Rule 3 will perform the functions of the authorized
intermediary in a better and effective manner;
(f) the
authorized intermediary does not comply with the restrictions or conditions
imposed by the Commission at the time of registration, restriction or
suspension; or
(g) the
authorized intermediary requests the Commission, on reasonable grounds, to
cancel its registration.
The Commission while cancelling the registration of an authorized
intermediary may take such measures and issue such directions as it deems fit.
7. Conditions applicable to authorized
intermediary.An authorized
intermediary shall
(a) provide
a platform to facilitate transactions of the respective leveraged market
(b) ensure
that the requirements of these rules, the regulations and the requirements
specified by the Commission and directions of the Commission are being complied
(c) ensure
that a fair, transparent and efficient system for entering into and carrying
out respective leveraged market contracts is provided in accordance with the
regulations and all other applicable laws;
(d) make
suitable amendments in the regulations from time to time with the approval of
the Commission;
(e) correctly
record all transactions relating to respective leveraged market contracts;
(f) submit
to the Commission such periodic returns and other information as specified by
the Commission;
(g) correctly
disclose such information, as specified by the Commission, to the public
relating to the respective leveraged market contracts;
(h) collect
and maintain margins specified in the regulations;
(i) ensure
that the total financing provided by a margin financier and/or trading
financier at any point in time or total financing provided to a single fmancee
or to clients of one broker or total financing provided in respect of any
particular security, does not exceed the limits specified in the regulations;
(j) ensure
that the total financing obtained by a single financee or all financees or in
any particular security, at any point in time, does not exceed the limits
specified in the regulations;
(k) ensure
that total lending by a lender or borrowing by a borrower, at any point in
time, of a particular security does not exceed the limits specified in the
(l) not
provide false or misleading or incomplete information to the Commission;
(m) cooperate
in any audit, enquiry, inspection or investigation ordered by the Commission;
(n) comply
with such other directions as may be issued by the Commission.
8. Eligibility criteria for a margin financier.A person shall be eligible to apply for
registration as a margin financier, if
(a) such
person is
(i) a broker;
(ii) a banking company as defined under the
Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (LVII of 1962), with a minimum credit rating
as specified in regulations;
(iii) a financial institution covered under
Section 3A of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (LVII of 1962) with a
minimum credit rating as specified in regulations;
(iv) an investment finance company licensed by
the Commission to provide investment finance services with a minimum credit
rating as specified in regulations; or
(v) such other corporate entity as may be
recommended by the authorized intermediary and approved by the Commission;
(b) such
person meets the minimum net capital and capital adequacy requirements
specified in regulations;
(c) such
person has adequate financial, technical, organizational and human resources
for extension and maintenance of credit for the purpose of purchasing or
carrying any security;
(d) such
person is not in default of any regulatory requirement;
(e) such
person has not been convicted of a fraud under any law, an offence under the
laws administered by the Commission or any other offence involving moral
turpitude and in case of a company none of its directors or significant
shareholders, as the case may be, has been convicted of a fraud under any law,
an offence under the laws administered by the Commission or any other offence
involving moral turpitude;
(f) no
investigation or enquiry has been concluded by the Commission with any adverse
findings of mismanagement or misappropriation against such person or any of its
directors or significant shareholders;
(g) no
proceedings are pending with respect to its winding-up insolvency or any
analogous relief;
(h) in
case of a broker,
(i) it has valid trading rights on a stock
exchange and such rights are not suspended;
(ii) it is not in default of any payment
obligations under the regulations of a stock exchange;
(iii) none of its significant shareholders,
directors or chief executive officer by whatever name called have
(i) remained a significant shareholder,
director, chief executive officer, partner of a broker who has been expelled or
declared a defaulter on account of default or any other reason under the stock
exchange regulations; or
(ii) remained a broker who has been expelled
or declared a defaulter on account of default or any other reason under the
stock exchange regulations;
(i) such
person is a participant or accountholder in central depository system and its
status as a participant or accountholder is not suspended or terminated; such
person is a clearing member of a clearing company and its status as a clearing
member is not suspended or terminated; and
(k) such
person meets such other requirements as may be specified by the Commission.
9. Registration of a margin financier.(1) A person eligible for registration under
Rule 8 may make an application to the authorized intermediary for registration
which shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely:
(a) documents
showing that the requirements of clauses (a), (b), (c), (g), (h), (i) and (j)
of Rule 8 have been fulfilled;
(b) in
case the applicant is a company. Memorandum and Articles of Association;
(c) in
case the applicant is a company, particulars of its chief executive officer and
directors including their parentage, computerized national identity card
numbers, residential addresses, directorships in other companies and
significant shareholding in other companies,
(d) list
of significant shareholders, in case the applicant is a company;
(e) an
affidavit, in the manner specified in Form-II set out in the Annexure, that the
applicant is not in violation of the requirements of Rule 8;
(f) in
case the applicant is a company, a copy of the latest audited financial
statements or in the case of an individual a copy of the income tax return as
submitted to the Federal Board of Revenue;
(g) evidence
of payment of application fee, charges, deposits and contributions as specified
in the regulations; and
(h) any
other document specified in the regulations.
(2) If
the authorized intermediary is satisfied that the eligibility criteria under
Rule 8 has been met with and the documents required under rule 9 have been
submitted, the authorized intermediary may register the applicant as a margin
(3) A
margin financier shall not commence its business unless it has executed such
agreements and assurances and furnished such documents as required by the
authorized intermediary and specified in the regulations.
Explanation.For the purpose of clause (b) of sub-rule
(1) of rule 9 where the applicant is a corporate entity the deponent shall be
its chief executive officer, the chief compliance officer, company secretary or
equivalent and where the applicant is a natural person the deponent shall be
the applicant himself.
10. Refusal to grant registration.(1) No application for registration made
under Rule 9 shall be refused except after giving the applicant an opportunity
of being heard.
(2) In
case the authorized intermediary refuses to grant registration to an applicant,
the decision shall be communicated to the applicant stating therein the reasons
for such refusal.
11. Restriction or suspension of a margin
financier.(1) The
authorized intermediary may suspend or restrict with immediate effect a margin
financier from providing margin financing and shall immediately notify to the
Commission and market participants of such restriction or suspension, if such
(a) is
not in compliance with the eligibility conditions specified in Rule 8;
(b) fails
or refuses to comply with any provision of these rules or any directions,
orders or circulars issued by the Commission;
(c) fails
or refuses to comply with the regulations; or
(d) is
in breach of any obligation under an agreement or security furnished to the
authorized intermediary or performance of any of the material obligations under
any such agreement or security becomes unlawful or any such agreement or
security is declared to be void or is repudiated or its validity or
enforceability at any time is challenged by the margin financier or any party
furnishing such security.
Where the authorized intermediary neglects or fails to restrict or
suspend a margin financier under sub-rule (1), the Commission may restrict or
suspend the margin financier from providing margin financing.
12. Cancellation of registration of margin
financier.(1) The
authorized intermediary may, after providing an opportunity of hearing to a
margin financier, cancel its registration, if
(a) it
is not in compliance with the eligibility conditions specified in Rule 8;
(b) the
cause of restriction or suspension under Rule 11 continues for more than
forty-five days;
(c) the
margin financier does not furnish the information required by the authorized
intermediary or the Commission or furnishes incomplete or incorrect
(d) it
fails or refuses to cooperate in any audit, enquiry, inspection or
investigation ordered by the Commission;
(e) a
Court of competent jurisdiction orders the winding-up or liquidation of the
margin financier;
(f) any
steps are taken for the winding-up of the margin financier by its shareholders
or creditors; or
(g) a
receiver, administrator or similar official is appointed in respect of the
margin financier or a substantial part of its assets.
Where upon occurrence of any of the events described in sub-rule (1),
the authorized intermediary fails to cancel the registration of the authorized
financier, the Commission may, after providing an opportunity of hearing to the
margin financier, direct the authorized intermediary to cancel the registration
of such margin financier and upon such direction the authorized intermediary
shall immediately cancel the registration of such margin financier.
13. Conditions applicable to margin
financiers.A margin
financier shall
(a) only
extend margin financing for purchases or carrying of securities in respect of
trades carried out on a stock exchange;
(b) not
extend margin financing without first executing a margin financing agreement
with the financee which shall inter alia contain provisions prescribed in Form
V as set out in the Annexure;
(c) at
all times comply with the regulations and all directives or circulars as may be
issued by the Commission;
(d) ensure
that true and complete information is passed on to the authorized intermediary;
(e) ensure
compliance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 (Act VII
of 2010) and any rules and regulations made thereunder.
14. Additional conditions applicable to
brokers who are margin financiers.In addition to the provisions of Rule 13, a broker which is registered
as a margin financier shall
(a) provide
margin financing by using its own funds or funds borrowed from financial
institutions specified in sub-clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) of clause (a) of
Rule 8;
(b) not
use the funds of any of its clients for providing margin financing to any other
person or for proprietary account;
(c) not
provide margin financing except through the platform provided by the authorized
(d) not
provide margin financing to any client without evaluating the creditworthiness
of the client through a proper credit risk assessment methodology; and
(e) not
provide margin financing to any person who is not its client.
15. Regulatory requirements for margin
financing,The authorized
intermediary shall specify, in such manner as the Commission may direct, the
following matters, namely:
(a) the
selection criteria, including the minimum liquidity requirements, for
securities for which margin financing can be obtained;
(b) the
maximum limits of margin financing which may be obtained by a broker for its
proprietary position, by a single client through one or more brokers or by all
the clients of a single broker or by a broker collectively for proprietary
account and trading for client;
(c) the
maximum limits of margin financing which may be obtained by a broker for its
proprietary position, by a single client through one or more brokers or by all
the clients of a single broker or by a broker collectively for proprietary
account and trading for client, at any point of time, in a particular scrip;
(d) the
percentage of the total value of securities financed under margin financing
which shall be paid by the financee in cash as financee's minimum equity
participation for the purchase of such securities;
(e) suspension
or disciplining of margin financiers including grounds for taking such action;
(f) terms
and conditions under which margin financing may be provided;
(g) recording and publishing of details of margin financing by the authorized intermediary;
(h) fees,
charges, contributions and deposits payable in respect of margin financing;
(i) reporting
details relating to margin financing from margin financier and such brokers who
are financees or acting on behalf of such clients who are financees; and
(j) any
other matter as deemed necessary for the effective implementation and
enforcement of these rules.
16. Eligibility criteria for trading financier.A person shall be eligible to apply for
registration as a trading financier, if---
(a) such
person is
(i) a broker;
(ii) a banking company as defined under the
Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (LVII of 1962), with a minimum credit rating
as specified in regulations;
(iii) a financial institution covered under Section
3-A of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (LVII of 1962) with a minimum
credit rating as specified in regulations;
(iv) an investment finance company licensed by
the Commission to provide investment finance services with a minimum credit
rating as specified in regulations;
(v) a collective investment scheme as
defined in the Non-banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations,
2008 and categorized as equity scheme or any scheme launched for the purpose of
investment in margin trading provided its constituent documents allow such
scheme to provide financing for margin trading;
(vi) such other corporate entity as may be
recommended by the authorized intermediary and approved by the Commission;
(b) such
person meets the minimum net capital and capital adequacy requirements
specified in regulations;
(c) such
person has adequate financial, technical, organizational and human resources
for extension or maintenance of credit for the purpose of purchasing or
carrying any security;
(d) such
person is not in default of any regulatory requirement;
(e) such
person has not been convicted of a fraud under any law, an offence under the
laws administered by the Commission or any other offence involving moral
turpitude and in case of a company or an asset management company, none of its
directors and significant shareholders, as the case may be, has been convicted
of a fraud under any law, an offence under the laws administered by the
Commission or any other offence involving moral turpitude;
(f) no
investigation or enquiry has been concluded against it by the Commission with
any adverse findings of mismanagement or misappropriation and in case of a
company or an asset management company (where applicant is a collective
investment scheme) no such findings have been recorded against any of its
directors or significant shareholders;
(g) no
proceedings are pending with respect to its winding-up, insolvency or any
analogous relief;
(h) in
case of a broker,
(i) it has valid trading rights on a stock
exchange and such rights are not suspended;
(ii) it is not in default of any payment
obligations under the regulations of a stock exchange;
(iii) none of its significant shareholders,
directors or chief executive officer, by whatever name called, have
(i) remained a significant shareholder, director, chief executive officer, partner of a broker who has been expelled or declared a defaulter on account of default or any other reason under the stock exchange regulations;
(ii) remained a broker who has been expelled
or declared a defaulter on account of default or any other reason under the
stock exchange regulations;
(i) such
person is a participant or accountholder in a central depository system and its
status as a participant or accountholder is not suspended or terminated;
(j) such
person is a clearing member of a clearing company and its status as a clearing
member is not suspended or terminated; and
(k) such
person meets with such other requirements as may be specified by the
17. Registration of a trading financier.--(1) A person eligible for registration under
Rule 16 may make an application to the authorized intermediary for registration
which shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely:
(a) documents
showing that the requirements of clauses (a), (b), (c), (g), (h), (i) and (j)
of Rule 16, have been fulfilled;
(b) in
case the applicant is a company, Memorandum and Articles of Association and in
case of a collective investment scheme, its constituent documents;
(c) in
case the applicant is a company, particulars of its chief executive officer and
directors including their parentage, computerized national identity card
numbers, residential addresses, directorships in other companies and
significant shareholding in other companies and in case of a collective
investment scheme, similar particulars of the chief executive officer and
directors of the asset management company;
(d) list
of significant shareholders, in case the applicant is a company;
(e) an
affidavit, in the manner specified in Form-III as set out in the Annexure that
the applicant is not in violation of the requirements of Rule 16;
(f) in
case the applicant is a company, a copy of the latest audited financial
statements or in the case of an individual a copy of the income tax return as
filed with the Federal Board of Revenue:
(g) evidence
of payment of application fee, charges, deposits and contributions as specified
in the regulations; and
(h) any
other document specified in or required by the regulations.
(2) If
the authorized intermediary is satisfied that the eligibility criteria under
Rule 16 has been satisfied and the documents required under Rule 17 have been
submitted, the authorized intermediary may register the applicant as a trading
(3) A
trading financier shall not commence its business as a trading financier unless
it has executed such agreements and assurances and furnished such documents as
required by the authorized intermediary and specified in the regulations.
Explanation.For the purpose of clause (b) of sub-rule
(1) where the applicant is a corporate entity the deponent shall be the chief
executive officer, the chief compliance officer, company secretary or
equivalent of the applicant and where the applicant is a natural person the
deponent shall be the applicant himself.
18. Refusal to grant registration.(1) No application for registration made
under Rule 17 shall be refused except after giving the applicant an opportunity
of being heard.
(2) In
case the authorized intermediary refuses to grant registration to an applicant,
the decision shall be communicated to the applicant stating therein the reasons
for such refusal.
19. Restriction or suspension of a trading
financier.(1) The
authorized intermediary may immediately restrict a trading financier from
providing financing for margin trading and shall immediately notify to the
Commission and market participants of such restriction or suspension, if such
trading financier
(a) after
registration is not in compliance with the eligibility conditions specified in
Rule 16;
(b) fails
or refuses to comply with any provision of these rules or any directions,
orders or circulars issued by the Commission;
(c) fails
or refuses to comply with the regulations; or
(d) is
in breach of any obligation under an agreement or security furnished to the
authorized intermediary or performance of any of the material obligations under
any such agreement or security becomes unlawful or any such agreement or
security is declared to be void or is repudiated or its validity or
enforceability at any time is challenged by the trading financier or any party
furnishing such security.
Where the authorized intermediary neglects or fails to restrict or
suspend a trading financier under sub-rule (1), the Commission may restrict or
suspend such trading financier.
20. Cancellation of registration of a trading
financier.(1) The
authorized intermediary may, after providing an opportunity of hearing to a
trading financier, cancel the registration of such trading financier and shall
immediately notify to the Commission of such cancellation, if
(a) the
cause of restriction or suspension under Rule 19 continues for more than forty
five days;
(b) the
trading financier fails or refuses to furnish the information required by the
authorized intermediary or Commission, or furnishes incomplete or incorrect
(c) it
fails or refuses to cooperate in any audit, enquiry, inspection or
investigation ordered by the Commission;
(d) a
Court of competent jurisdiction orders winding up or liquidation of the trading
(e) any
step has been taken to seek voluntary winding-up of the trading financier by
its shareholders or creditors; or
(f) a
receiver, administrator or similar official is appointed in respect of the
trading financier or a substantial part of its assets.
Upon occurrence of any of the events described in sub-rule (1), the
Commission may, after providing an opportunity of hearing to a trading
financier, direct the authorized intermediary to cancel the registration of such
trading financier and upon such direction the authorized intermediary shall
immediately cancel the registration of such trading financier.
21. Conditions applicable to trading
financiers.A trading
financier shall--
(a) only
extend financing to finance purchases or carrying securities in respect of
trades carried out on a stock exchange;
(b) at
all times comply with the regulations and all directives or circulars as may be
issued by the Commission;
(c) ensure
that true and complete information is passed on to the authorized intermediary;
(d) ensure
compliance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 (Act VII
of 2010) and any rules and regulations made thereunder.
22. Additional conditions applicable to
brokers who are trading financiers.(1) In addition to the provisions of Rule 21, a broker who is
registered as a trading financier shall
(a) provide
financing under margin trading by using his own funds or funds borrowed from
financial institutions specified in sub-clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) of clause
(a) of Rule 16 or subject to sub-rule (2) use the funds of his corporate
clients, provided the broker has entered in to an agreement with such corporate
clients, which shall contain inter alia the provisions prescribed in Form VI as
set out in the Annexure;
(b) not
use the funds of any client, except as provided in clause (a), for providing
financing under margin trading to any other person or for proprietary account;
(c) not
provide financing under margin trading except through the platform provided by
the authorized intermediary.
The Commission may, where it deems necessary in the interest of the
(a) lay
down eligibility criteria for corporate clients which may provide funds to
brokers for providing finance under margin trading.
(b) restrict
or prohibit the use of funds of corporate clients by brokers generally or
23. Regulatory requirements for Margin
Trading.(1) The authorized
intermediary shall specify, in such manner as the Commission may direct, the
following matters, namely:
(a) the
selection criteria, including the minimum liquidity requirements, for
securities for which financing can be obtained by margin trading;
(b) risk
management systems, including but not limited to collateral and margin requirements,
exposure margins, position limits, collection of mark to market losses,
deposits provided that all margins, deposits and mark to mark losses shall be
payable in cash only;
(c) the
maximum limits of financing which may be obtained by a broker for its
proprietary position, by a single client of a broker or by all the clients of a
single broker, or by the broker collectively for proprietary account and
trading for client;
(d) the
maximum limits of financing which may be obtained by a broker for its proprietary
position, by a single client of a broker or by all the clients of a single
broker, or by the broker collectively for proprietary account and trading for
client, at any point of time in a particular scrip;
(e) the
percentage of the total value of securities financed in margin trading which
shall be paid by the financee only in cash as financee's minimum equity
participation for the purchase of such securities provided that such percentage
shall not be less twenty-five per cent and provided that such equity
participation shall be paid by the financee from his own sources and not
through any form of financing or credit from the broker;
(f) suspension
or disciplining of a trading financier including grounds for taking such
(g) terms
and conditions under which margin trading may be undertaken;
(h) the
contract period provided that such contract period shall not exceed sixty days;
(i) recording
and publishing of details of margin trading by the authorized intermediary;
(j) fee,
charges, contributions and deposits payable in respect of margin trading;
(k) reporting
details relating to margin trading from a trading financier and such brokers
who are financees or acting on behalf of such clients who are financees; and
(l) any
other matter as deemed necessary for the effective enforcement of these rules.
(2) The
funds provided by a corporate client of a broker for margin trading as provided
in clause (a) of Rule 22 shall be from its surplus funds and provided with the
approval of its board of directors.
24. Eligibility criteria for securities lender
and borrower.A person shall
be eligible to apply for registration as a securities lender and borrower, if
(a) such
person is
(i) a broker;
(ii) a banking company defined under the
Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (LVII of 1962), with a minimum credit rating
as specified in regulations;
(iii) a financial institution covered under
Section 3A of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (LVII of 1962) with a
minimum credit rating as specified in regulations;
(iv) an investment finance company licensed by
the Commission to provide investment finance services with a minimum credit
rating as specified in regulations; or
(v) such other person as may be recommended
by the authorized intermediary and approved by the Commission.,
(b) such
person meets the minimum net capital and capital adequacy requirements
specified in regulations;
(c) such
person has adequate financial, technical, organizational and human resources to
undertake the transaction of securities borrowing and lending;
(d) such
person is not in default of any regulatory requirement;
(e) such
person has not been convicted of a fraud under any law, an offence under the
laws administered by the Commission or any other offence involving moral
turpitude and in case of firms and companies none of their partners, directors
and significant shareholders, as the case may be, has been convicted of a fraud
under any law, offence under the laws administered by the Commission or any
other offence involving moral turpitude;
(f) no
investigation or enquiry has been concluded by the Commission with any adverse
findings of mismanagement or misappropriation against such person or any of
their directors, significant shareholders or partners, as the case may be;
(g) no
proceedings are pending with respect to its winding-up or insolvency or an
analogous relief;
(h) in
case of a broker,
(i) it has valid trading rights on a stock
exchange and such trading rights are not suspended;
(ii) it is not in default of any payment
obligations under the regulations of a stock exchange;
(iii) none of its significant shareholders,
directors or chief executive officer, by whatever name called, have
(i) remained a significant shareholder,
director, chief executive officer, partner of a broker who has been expelled or
declared a defaulter on account of default or for any other reason under the
stock exchange regulations; or
(ii) remained a broker who has been expelled
or declared a defaulter on account of default or for any other reason under the
stock exchange regulations;
(i) such
person is a participant or accountholder in a central depository system and its
status as a participant or accountholder is not suspended;
(j) such
person is a clearing member of a clearing company and its status as a clearing
member is not suspended or terminated; and
(k) such
person meets such other requirements as may be specified by the Commission.
25. Registration of a securities lender and
borrower.(1) A person eligible
for registration under Rule 24 may make an application to the authorized
intermediary for registration which shall be accompanied by the following
documents, namely:
(a) documents
showing that the requirements of clauses (a), (b), (c), (g), (h) (i) and (j) of
Rule 24 have been fulfilled;
(b) in
case the applicant is a company, Memorandum and Articles of Association;
(c) in
case the applicant is a company, particulars of its chief executive officer and
directors including their parentage, computerized national identity card
numbers, residential addresses, directorships in other companies and
significant shareholding in other companies;
(d) list
of significant shareholders, in case the applicant is a company;
(e) an
affidavit, in the manner specified in Form-IV as set out in the Annexure, that
the applicant is not in violation of the requirements of clauses (d), (e) and
(f) of Rule 24;
(f) in
the case of a company, a copy of the latest audited financial statements or in
the case of an individual a copy of the income tax return as filed with the
Federal Board of Revenue;
(g) evidence
of payment of application fee, charges, deposits and contribution as specified
in the regulations; and
(h) any
other document specified in or required by the regulation.
(2) If
the authorized intermediary is satisfied that, the eligibility criteria under
Rule 24 has been satisfied and the documents required under Rule 25(1) have
been submitted, the authorized intermediary may register the applicant as a
securities lender and borrower.
(3) A
securities lender or borrower shall not commence its business as a securities
lender or borrower, as the case may be, unless he has executed such agreements
and assurances and furnished such documents as required by the authorized intermediary
and specified in the regulations.
Explanation.For the purpose of clause (b) of sub-rule
(1) where the applicant is a corporate entity, the deponent shall be its chief
executive officer, chief compliance officer, company secretary or equivalent
and where the applicant is a natural person, the deponent shall be the
applicant himself.
26. Refusal to grant registration.(1) No application for registration made
under Rule 25 shall be refused except after giving the applicant an opportunity
of being heard.
(2) In
case the authorized intermediary refuses to grant registration to an applicant,
the decision shall be communicated to the applicant stating therein the reasons
for such refusal.
27. Restriction or suspension of a securities
lender and borrower.(1) The
authorized intermediary may immediately restrict or suspend a securities lender
and borrower from securities lending and borrowing and shall immediately notify
to the Commission and the market participants its of such restriction or
suspension, if the securities lender and borrower--
(a) after
registration is not in compliance with the eligibility conditions specified in
Rule 24; or
(b) fails
or refuses to comply with any provision of these rules or any directions,
orders or circulars issued by the Commission from time to time;
(c) fails
or refuses to comply with the regulations;
(d) is
in breach of any obligation under an agreement or security furnished to the
authorized intermediary or performance of any of the material obligations under
any such agreement or security becomes unlawful or any such agreement or
security is declared to be void or is repudiated or its validity or
enforceability at any time is challenged by the securities lender and borrower
or any party furnishing such security; or
(e) is
in a situation where a receiver, administrator or similar official is appointed
in respect of the trading financier or a substantial part of its assets.
Where the authorized intermediary neglects or fails to restrict or
suspend a securities lender and borrower under sub-rule (1) of Rule 27, the
Commission may restrict or suspend the securities lender and borrower.
28. Cancellation of registration of a
securities lender and borrower.(1) The authorized intermediary may, after providing an opportunity of
hearing to the securities lender and borrower, cancel its registration and
shall immediately notify to the Commission of such cancellation, if
(a) it
is not in compliance with the eligibility conditions specified in Rule 24;
(b) the
cause of restriction under Rule 27 continues for more than forty-five days;
(c) it
does not furnish the information required by the authorized intermediary or
Commission, or furnishes incomplete or incorrect information;
(d) it
refuses or fails to cooperate in any audit, enquiry, inspection or
investigation ordered by the Commission;
(e) a
Court of competent jurisdiction orders winding up or liquidation of the
securities lender and borrower; or
(f) any
step has been taken to seek voluntary winding-up of the securities lender and
borrower by its shareholders or creditors.
Upon occurrence of any of the events described in sub-rule (1), the
Commission may, after providing an opportunity of hearing to a securities
lender and borrower, direct the authorized intermediary to cancel the
registration of such securities lender and borrower and upon such direction the
authorized intermediary shall immediately cancel the registration of such
securities lender and borrower.
29. Conditions applicable to securities lender
and borrower.(1) A
securities lender and borrower shall
(a) only
lend or borrow securities through the platform provided by the authorized
(b) not
lend or borrow securities for his own benefit or on behalf of a client, whether
directly or indirectly, of any company where such lender and borrower or the
client is
(i) a director or sponsor;
(ii) an associated company and associated
(iii) a shareholder who is barred from selling
such securities; or
(iv) any other person as may be specified by
the Commission;
(c) be
eligible to lend or borrow any security or arrange for lending or borrowing of
any security for his own benefit or on behalf of its clients;
(d) at
all times comply with the regulations and all directives or circulars as may be
issued by the Commission;
(e) ensure
that true and complete information is passed on to the authorized intermediary;
(f) ensure
compliance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 (Act VII
of 2010) and any rules and regulations made thereunder.
All securities lending and borrowing contracts shall stand released on
the last working day before the start of a spot period relating to that
security and lenders and borrowers shall not lend or borrow securities during
the spot period.
Regulatory requirements for securities lending and borrowing.The authorized intermediary shall specify, in
such manner as the Commission may direct, the following matters, namely:
(a) risk
management systems, including but not limited to collateral and margin
requirements, exposure margins, position limits, collection of mark to market
losses, forms of deposits, etc. ;
(b) the
manner in which the authorized intermediary shall put in place a system whereby
(i) lender agrees to lend a specified number
and class of securities to the borrower at an agreed rate of return, through a
platform provided by the authorized intermediary; and
(ii) borrower agrees to borrow a specified
number and class of securities at an agreed rate or return and to return the
same to the lender, together with the agreed return, through a platform
provided by the authorized intermediary.
(c) selection
criteria, including minimum liquidity requirements, for securities which shall
be available for lending and borrowing;
(d) the
manner in which the margins including marked-to-market losses shall be
deposited by the lender and borrower;
(e) suspension
or discipline of securities lending and borrower including grounds for taking
such actions;
(f) terms
and conditions under which securities lending and borrowing may be undertaken;
(g) recording
and publishing of details of securities lending and borrowing by the authorized
(h) fee,
charges, contributions and deposits payable for facilities and services
provided for securities lending and borrowing; and
(i) any
other matter as deemed necessary for the effective enforcement of these rules.
31. Conditions applicable for pledge of
securities.No broker shall
pledge or deposit any security on account of a client as collateral except as
provided below, namely:
(a) the
pledge or deposit is in favour of or with a stock exchange or a clearing
company in respect of margin requirements relating to the transactions or
trades of such client as required under the relevant regulatory framework;
(b) the
pledge or deposit is in favour of or with a financial institution in respect of
margin financing extended by such financial institutions in respect of
transactions of such clients under the margin financing facility or any other
form of financing as allowed by the Commission;
(c) the
pledge or deposit is in favour of or with a financial institution to borrow
funds, provided that the client has authorized the broker in the manner
specified by the Commission; and
(d) the
pledge or deposit is for any other purpose as permitted under applicable laws
and regulations, provided the client has authorized the broker in the manner
specified by the Commission.
32. Power of the Commission to issue directives,
circulars, etc.The
Commission may issue such directives and circulars, as are necessary to carry
out the purposes of these rules.
33. Broker's obligations.(1) In addition to the brokers' obligations
under the Brokers and Agents Registration Rules, 2001, a broker acting on
behalf of its clients in any of the leveraged markets or pledging the
securities of a client shall ensure that
(a) no
transaction is executed by the broker on behalf of a client unless an
appropriate agreement has been executed between the broker and such client;
(b) all
provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 (Act VII of 2010) and any
rules and regulations made thereunder are complied with at all times;
(c) all
risks involved in the relevant transactions have been fully disclosed and the
broker has obtained a written confirmation from its clients that they have
understood and have the ability to bear the risks in such transactions; and
(d) the
options available to a client in respect of various financing facilities in the
securities markets have been fully disclosed and explained to the clients.
(2) The
broker shall evaluate the credit worthiness of its clients through a proper
credit risk assessment methodology and assign credit limits to each client
beyond which the client shall not be allowed to avail financing under margin
financing and margin trading.
(3) A
broker shall maintain records in respect of its compliance with the aforesaid
obligations and such records shall be open to inspection by the Commission at
any time.
34. Prohibition.No person shall carry on any activity, or
purport to do so, which is covered under these rules or under Section 16 of the
Ordinance except in accordance with and to the extent permitted by the
provisions of these rules, regulations or any directives or circulars issued by
the Commission.
35. Fee.The Commission may from time to time specify such fee as may be
required under these rules.
36. Penalty.A person who contravenes or fails to comply
with any provision of these rules regulations or any directives or circulars
issued under the Ordinance by the Commission, shall, in addition to any action
authorized under these rules, be liable to any and all actions authorized by
the Ordinance for such contravention or failure.
37. Repeal.The Margin Trading Rules, 2004 are hereby
[see Rule 2(1 )(a)]
[See Rule 3(4)]
In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 3
of Securities (Leveraged Markets and Pledging) Rules, 2011 the Securities and
Exchange Commission of Pakistan hereby grants a certificate of registration to
_____________________________, as an Authorized Intermediary subject to the
conditions prescribed under the Securities (Leveraged Markets and Pledging)
Rules, 2011 or as may be specified or imposed hereafter by the Commission.
The registration number of the authorized
intermediary is _____________
Dated _________________
By order
For and on behalf of
[See Rule 9 (1) (e)]
Affidavit of _________________
daughter/son/wife of ____________ resident of __________________________ and
holding CNIC/Passport No. _________________________
I the above named deponent, do hereby state
on oath/solemnly affirm as under:
1. [1]That
I am the ______________ of ____________, and I am well conversant with the
facts deposed below.
2. [2]
_____________ is not in default of any regulatory requirement.
3. [3]
____________has not been convicted of any fraud under any law, any offence
under the laws administered by the Commission or any other offence involving
moral turpitude. [4][None of
the partners, directors and significant shareholders of _______________, as the
case may be, has been convicted of a fraud under any law, an offence under the
laws administered by the Commission or any other offence involving moral
4. No
adverse findings of mismanagement or misappropriation have been given against
____________ [5][or any
of its partners, directors or significant shareholders] in any inquiry or
investigation ordered by the Commission.
5. [6]
______________ is not undergoing any proceedings with respect to insolvency nor
any such proceedings are threatened.
6. The
statements made and the information given along with the application under Rule
8 of the Securities (Leveraged Markets and Pledging) Rules, 2011 is correct and
that there are no facts which have been concealed.
7. That
I have no objection if the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
requests or obtains information about me from any third party.
8. That
all the documents provided to Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan are
true and complete copies of the originals.
The Deponent is identified by me
Signature _____________
Solemnly affirmed before me on this _______
day of ____ at ______ by the Deponent above named who is identified to me by
_________, Advocate.
Signature ________________
(Name and Seal)
[See Rule 17(l)(e)]
Affidavit of ___________ daughter/son/wife of
_______________ resident of ________________________________________and holding
CNIC/Passport No. ____________________
I the above named deponent, do hereby state
on oath/solemnly affirm as under:
1. [7]That
I am the ___________ of ___________, and I am well conversant with the facts
deposed below.
2. [8]
__________ is not in default of any regulatory requirement.
3. [9] ___________ has not been convicted of a fraud
under any law, any offence under the laws administered by the Commission or any
other offence involving moral turpitude. [10][None
of the partners, directors and significant shareholders of _____________ as the
case may be, has been convicted of a fraud under any law, an offence under the
laws administered by the Commission or any other offence involving moral
4. No
adverse findings of mismanagement or misappropriation have been given against
____________ [11] [or
any of its partners, directors or significant shareholders] in any inquiry or
investigation ordered by the Commission.
5. [12]
____________ is not undergoing any proceedings with respect to insolvency nor
any such proceedings are threatened.
6. The
statements made and the information given along with the application under Rule
8 of the Securities (Leveraged Markets and Pledging) Rules, 2011 is correct and
that there are no facts which have been concealed.
7. That
I have no objection if [13]
__________________ requests or obtains information about me from any third
8. That
all the documents provided to [14]
______________ are true and complete copies of the originals.
The Deponent is identified by me
Signature _______________
Solemnly affirmed before me on this _______
day of _______ at _______ by the Deponent above named who is identified to me
by ________, Advocate.
Signature __________________
(Name and Seal)
[See Rule 25 (1) (e)]
Affidavit of _________________
daughter/son/wife of ____________ resident of __________________________ and
holding CNIC/Passport No. _________________________
1. [15]That
I am the ______________ of ____________, and I am well conversant with the
facts deposed below.
2. [16] _____________
is not in default of any regulatory requirement.
3. [17]
____________has not been convicted of any fraud offence under the laws
administered by the Commission or any other offence involving moral turpitude. [18][None
of the partners, directors and significant shareholders of _______________, as
the case may be, has been convicted of any fraud offence under the laws
administered by the Commission or any other offence involving moral turpitude.
4. No
adverse findings of mismanagement or misappropriation have been given against
____________ [19][or any
of its partners, directors or significant shareholders] in any inquiry or
investigation ordered by the Commission.
5. [20]
______________ is not undergoing any proceedings with respect to insolvency nor
any such proceedings are threatened.
6. The
statements made and the information given along with the application under Rule
8 of the Securities (Leveraged Markets and Pledging) Rules, 2011 is correct and
that there are no facts which have been concealed.
7. That
I have no objection if [21]
_____________ requests or obtains information about me from any third party.
8. That
all the documents provided to [22]
________________ are true and complete copies of the originals.
The Deponent is identified by me
Solemnly affirmed before me on this _______
day of ____ at ______ by the Deponent above named who is identified to me by
_________, Advocate.
(Name and Seal)
[See Rule 13]
The margin financing agreement shall, inter
alia, specify the following, namely:
(a) Name
of the margin financier and financee;
(b) Date
and term of the agreement;
(c) Margin
financing limits;
(d) Markup
or profit rate applicable for margin financing;
(e) Acceptable
form of collateral to be deposited by the financee;
(f) Terms
of agreement with provisions for renewal;
(g) Securities
for which margin financing shall be provided;
(h) Conditions
under which agreement may be altered, terminated and implications thereof;
(i) Default
management procedures that shall apply in the ever of default by a margin
financier or financee in completing their respective obligations as per rules;
(j) Signature(s)
of the authorized persons of margin financiers and financee.
[See Rule 22(1) (a)]
The agreement between a broker and its client
for use of client's funds for providing financing for margin trading shall,
inter alia, specify the following, namely:
(a) Names
and particulars of the parties;
(b) Date
and term of the agreement;
(c) Financing
Limits under margin trading;
(d) Representation
by the client that the funds being provided for margin trading are its own
funds and not obtained or borrowed from any other person.
(d) Terms and conditions for markup or profit rates to be charged;
(e) Applicable
fee and charges;
(e) Rights
and obligation of both parties;
(f) Terms
of agreement with provisions for renewal;
(g) Securities
for which financing shall be provided in margin trading;
(h) Conditions under which agreement may be altered, terminated and implications thereof;
(i) Adequate
disclosures of risks
(j) Default
management procedures that shall apply in the event of default in completing
their respective obligations as per the Rules and authorized intermediary's
regulations approved by the Commission; and
(k) Signature(s)
of the authorized representative of the parties.
An Act to regulate provision of pure food in
[Gazette of Pakistan,
Extraordinary, Part-I, 23rd May, 2011]
Secy-Law (Legis)-l/2008, dated 5.4.2011.WHEREAS it is expedient to regulate by law the preparation and sale of
Pure Food in the Gilgit-Baltistan.
It is hereby enacted as follows:
1. Short title, extent and commencement.
(i) This
Act shall be called the Gilgit-Baltistan Pure Food Act, 2011.
(ii) It
shall extend to the whole of Gilgit-Baltistan.
(iii) It
shall come into force at once.
2. Definition.In this Act unless the context otherwise
requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively
assigned to them, that is to say,
(1) "Adulterated
food" means an article of food
(i) which
is not of the nature, substance or quality which purports or is represented to
be; or
(ii) which
contains any such extraneous substance as may affect adversely the nature,
substance or quality thereof, or
(iii) which
is processed, mixed, coloured, powdered or created with any other substance in
contravention of the rules; or
(iv) any
constituent of which has been wholly or in part abstracted so as to affect
injuriously its nature, substance or quality; or
(v) which
contains any poisonous ingredient which may render it injurious to health; or
(vi) the quality or purity of which does not
conform to the prescribed standards; or
(vii) which having been prepared, packed or kept
under in-sanitary conditions, have been contaminated or become injurious to
2. "Banaspati"
means such article of food resembling ghee as it is prepared by hydrogenation
of edible vegetable oil and contains no milk or animal fat;
3. "Charbi"
means an article of food which resembles ghee or banaspati, but contains animal
fat other than milk fat;
4. "Chemical
Examiner" means
(i) The Chemical Examiner to Government;
(ii) Any other officer appointed by
government to be Chemical Examiner for the purpose of this Act;
(6) "Cream"
means the portion of the milk of cow or buffalo which is rich in fat and rises
to the surface of milk on standing, or which has been separated by skimming or
(7) "Dahi"
means the product obtained by lactice acid fermentation of milk;
(8) "Director"
means the Director Health Services, of Gilgit-Baltistan;
(9) "Food" means any article used as food or drink for human consumption other than drugs, and includes.
(i) any substance which is intended for use
in the composition or preparation of food;
(ii) any flavoring matter or condiment;
(iii) any colouring matter intended for use in
(iv) chewing gum and other products of the
like nature; and
(v) water in any form, including ice,
intended for human consumption or for use in the composition or preparation of
Explanation-I.An article shall not cease to be food by reason
only that it is also capable of being used as medicine.
Explanation-II.Iodized salt shall for the purpose of this
Act be considered as food either consumed one or as an ingredient in other
(10) "Ghee"
means ghee prepared exclusively from butter;
(11) "Government"
means the Gilgit-Baltistan Government.
(12) "Godown"
means a place where articles of food are received or stored for sale or
delivery to a customer or consignee;
(13) "Health
Officer" means the District Health Officer or the Assistant District
Health Officer, and includes a Medical Officer of Health, an Assistant Medical
Officer of Health of a Local Authority, and any other person appointed by
government to be Health Officer for the purpose of this Act;
(14) "Inspector"
means an Inspector appointed under this Act;
(15) Iodized
salt means edible common salt (namak) to which potassium iodine has been added,
for the purpose of fortifying or enriching it as a means of preventing lodging
deficiency and disorder, in the manner and quantity as may be prescribed.
(16) "Local
Authority" means.
(i) a Municipal Committee or Town Committee
constituted under the Gilgit-Baltistan Local Government Order, 1979;
(ii) a Local Council constituted under the
Gilgit-Baltistan Local Government Order, 1979;
(iii) an authority declared by Government, by
notification in the official Gazette, to be a Local Authority for the purpose
of this Act;
(17) "Margarine"
means any food, whether mixed with butter or not, which resembles butter and is
not milk-blended butter;
(18) "Milk"
means the normal, clean and pure secretion obtained from the udder of a healthy
cow, buffalo, goat or sheep, whether boiled, pasteurized, homogenized or
sterilized, and includes standardized and toned milk;
(19) "Misbranded
food" means an article of food.
(i) which is an imitation of or substitute
for or resembles, in a manner likely to deceive, another article of food and is
sold or is intended to be sold under the name, under which such other article
is sold, or is not correctly labeled to indicate its true character; or
(ii) which is so coloured, flavoured, coated,
powdered or published as to conceal the true nature thereof; or
(iii) which is contained in any package or
label or which bears any statement, design or device regarding the ingredients
or the substance contained therein, which is false or misleading in any
material particular, or if the package is otherwise deceptive with respect to
its contents; or
(iv) which is not properly packed and labelled
in accordance with the rules.
"Occupier" means the person who has control of the affairs of
a factory, shop or godown and includes the manager or managing agent or any
other person authorized to represent the occupier;
"Package" includes every article in which goods for carriage
or for sale are cased, covered, enclosed, contained or packed;
(22) "Pre-packed"
means packed or made up in advance ready for retail sale in a wrapper or
(23) "Prescribed"
means prescribed by rules;
(24) "Public
Analyst" means Public Analyst appointed under this Act;
(25) "Retail
sale" means any sale to a person buying otherwise than for the purpose of
(26) "Rules"
means rules made under this Act;
(27) "Sale"
in relation to food, means a transfer of ownership either by way of barter or
in exchange for a price paid or promised or part paid and
(28) "Standardized
milk" means milk which has been reduced to the prescribed level of milk
fat by removal of fat;
(29) "Toned
milk" means milk which has been standardized to the prescribed level of
milk fat and solids by addition or reconstituted milk solids;
(30) "Transit"
includes all stages of transportation from the place of manufacture or other
source of origin to the consumer; and
"Wholesale" means any sale other than retail sale.
3. False warranty.No person shall in respect of any food sold
by him or given by him for sale to an agent to give to the purchaser or his
agent a false warranty in writing.
4. Prohibition of mixing and selling mixed
food.(1) No person shall
mix, colour, stain or powder or direct or permit any other person to mix,
colour, stain, or powder any food with any matter or ingredient
(a) In
contravention of the prescribed rules; or
(b) so
as to render the food injurious to health with intent that the same may be sold
in that state.
(2) No
person shall sell, offer, keep or store any goods so mixed, coloured, stained
or powdered.
5. Prohibition of sale, preparation,
manufacture, import or export of unwholesome food intended for human
consumption.No person
shall, directly or indirectly, himself or by any other person,
Prepare, manufacture, keep or store for sale,
or sell or offer to sell, any food which is unsound, unwholesome, injurious to
health or unfit for human consumption; or
Import or export any food in such manner or
in such condition as renders it or is likely to render it injurious to health.
6. Prohibition of sale or manufacture for
sale of food which is adulterated or misbranded or not of the nature, substance
or quality demanded.(1) No
person shall, directly, or indirectly himself or by any other person, prepare,
manufacture, keep or store for sale, or sell, or offer to sell any food.
(a) which
is adulterated;
(b) which
is misbranded;
(c) which
is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded, or which it purports or is
represented to be;
(d) for
the sale of which a license is required otherwise than in accordance with the
condition of the license;
(e) in
contravention of any other provision of this Act or the rules.
(2) No
person shall directly or indirectly, himself or by any other person,
manufacture, sell, offer to sell, keep or store for sale any goods notified in
this behalf by Government, unless it is coloured in the manner prescribed.
(3) Government
may, by notification in the official Gazette, prohibit or regulate the keeping,
in any factory or wholesale business premises in which such articles of food as
are specified in the notification are manufactured or stored or any substances
likely to be used as adulterants as so specified.
7. Sale of pre-packed food.No person shall keep or store for sale or
offer to sell, any pre-packed food unless he has complied with the rules made
in this behalf.
8. Prohibition of sale of food without
complying with rules.No
person shall import, export, prepare, manufacture, keep or store for sale or
sell any food unless the rules providing for the mode of its manufacture,
processing or preparation, packing, labelling, consignment, delivery standard
of quality or bill of containers have been complied with.
9. Sale of margarine, banaspati and
charbi.(1) Banaspati,
charbi and margarine unless every package containing any such substance is
durably marked or labelled in such manner as may be prescribed.
(2) No
person shall sell, whether wholesale or retail, or transport by way of trade
any banaspati, charbi or margarine unless every package containing any such
substance is durably marked or labelled in such manner as may be prescribed.
10. Banaspati, margarine or 'charbi' not to
be sold loose.(1) No person
shall sell banaspati, margarine charbi loose or from an open package
Provided that banaspati may be so sold under
a license and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed in this behalf.
11. License for manufacture, storage and sale
of goods.(1) No place shall
be used.
(a) for
the preparation, or the manufacturing, processing, blending, preserving,
refrigerating, canning or bottling of any food;
(b) for
the business of a wholesale dealer in banaspati, charbi, ghee, margarine, fish
oil, mustard oil, cottonseed oil or other edible oils and such food as may be
(c) as
a creamery, dairy or bakery;
(d) as
a hotel, restaurant or eating house;
Except under a license to be granted in such
manner and by such authority as may be prescribed:
Provided that Government may exempt any
specified premises or class of premises from the operation of this section.
(2) The
license required under this section may be renewed annually on payment of
prescribed fees.
(3) The renewal of a license
may be refused, or a license may be cancelled by the authority granting the
license, if.
(i) the
licensee fails to maintain the register referred to in Section 12, or is
convicted of an offence under this Act; or
(ii) the
premises is not maintained in such condition as may be prescribed.
(4) No
person shall keep or store for sale or sell or offer to sell any food for human
consumption unless he is in possession of such identification permit as may be
12. Register for manufacture and wholesale
business. Every occupier of
a place used for the preparation or manufacture for the purposes of trade of
any such article of food as Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, specify in this behalf and every wholesale dealer or his agent who
stores any such article, shall keep and maintain a register in such form as may
be prescribed, and such register shall be open to inspection, by the Inspector.
13. Food poisoning.(1) If a Health Officer or an Inspector has
reason to suspect that any food or any vessel or utensil with which food may
come in contact is likely to cause food poisoning (acute, chronic or
cumulative) by chemical or bacteriological agents, he may take sample of such
food or the vessel or the utensil for analysis under this Act, and if he takes
a sample, give notice to the person-in charge of the food that, until the
result of the analysis is known, the food or any specified portion thereof
shall not be used and shall be kept or removed in the manner specified in the
(2) If
a Health Officer has reason to suspect that tuberculosis is likely to be caused
by consumption of milk supplied from any dairy or other source, he may, by
notice to the person-in charge of such dairy or source, prohibit the supply of
milk from such dairy or source.
(3) If
a person is, in the opinion of the Local Authority, suffering from any
communicable disease, the Local Authority may, by notice to such person,
prohibit him from preparing manufacturing, selling or offering to sell any
article of food for human consumption.
(4) A
Health Officer may, by notice to any person handling articles of food in any
hotel, restaurant, sweetmeat shop, or any other public eating place, require
him to obtain and keep in his possession a health certificate from a Health
Officer to the effect that he is free from communicable disease, and to get it
renewed from year to year, till such time as he continues so to handle such
(5) Every
person to whom a notice under this section has been given shall comply with such
(6) Whether
practicable, the Health Officer shall instruct the owner of the dairy or other
source from which milk is supplied to carry out such remedial measures as
considered necessary by him, and if these are complied with to his satisfaction
the notice issued under sub-section (2) shall be withdrawn.
Explanation.Persons debarred under sub-section (3) shall
have to produce a certificate as laid down in sub-section (4).
14. Appointment of Public Analyst.Government may, by notification appoint
Public Analysts for the purposes of this Act, for the whole or any part of the
Gilgit-Baltistan for any specified food or generally for all foods.
15. Local Authorities to enforce the Act.It shall be the function of every Local
Authority to carry into execution and enforce the provisions of this Act within
its jurisdiction with a view that all articles of food and drink are sold in a
pure and genuine state.
16. Appointment of Inspectors.(l) Government may appoint Inspectors in
respect of all or any specified food, and an Inspector so appointed shall have
jurisdiction in such areas as Government may direct :
Provided that Health Officer of Local
Authority and such other holders of offices and posts in or under Local
Authorities (Including Local Councils) and such officers in the service of
Government, as Government may by Notification in the Official Gazette specify
in this behalf shall be ex-officio Inspectors in respect of all food within the
areas under their respective jurisdiction.
(2) Subject
to any rules made in this behalf, a Local Authority shall appoint Inspectors in
respect of all or any specified food, and an Inspector so appointed, shall
unless the Local Authority otherwise directs, exercise the powers and perform the
functions of an Inspector under this Act throughout the area over which such
Local Authority has jurisdiction.
(3) The
Director Food may exercise the powers and perform the function of an Inspector
under this Act, and any Assistant Director or any other officer working under
the Director may exercise such powers and perform such functions of an
Inspector within such areas as the Director may, by order in writing, direct.
(4) The
Health Officer and Sanitary Inspectors of Local Authorities and such other holders
of offices and posts in or under a Local Authority and such officers in the
service of Government as Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, specify in this behalf, shall be ex-officio Inspector in respect of
all foods within the limits of their respective jurisdiction.
17. General Powers of Inspectors.(1) An Inspector may detain and search any
vehicle or package of any food intended for sale or in the course of delivery
if he has reason to suspect that the food therein carried or contained may be
injurious to health, unwholesome or unfit for human consumption or not of the
same nature, substance or quality which it purports to be.
(2) An
Inspector may:
(i) enter
into and inspect any market, godown, shop, stall or other place used for sale
of any food intended for human consumption or for the preparation, manufacture,
or storage of any such food for the purpose of trade or sale;
(ii) enter
upon any premises for the purpose of exercising the powers of purchasing or
taking a sample under Section 18 and may in such premises inspect and examine
any food and any apparatus, utensil or vessel used for preparing, manufacturing
or containing such food.
(iii) enter
into and inspect any market, godown, shop, stall or other place used for the manufacture,
storage or sale of any apparatus, utensil or vessel ordinarily used or intended
to be used or likely to be used for preparing, manufacturing or containing any
(3) If
any such food as is mentioned in sub-section (1) or Clause (a) of sub-section
(2) appears to the Inspector to be injurious to health, unwholesome, unfit for
human consumption or not of the same nature, substance or quality which it
purports to be, or not fulfilling the prescribed conditions subject to which
such food is to be prepared, manufactured, kept, stored or sold or if any such
apparatus or utensil as is [mentioned in Clause(ii) of sub-section (2)] is of
such kind or in such state as to render any food prepared, manufactured or
contained therein or may ordinarily, prepared manufactured or contained therein
unwholesome or unfit for human consumption or injurious to health, he may seize
and remove such food, apparatus or utensil to be dealt with as hereinafter
(4) An
Inspector may, instead of removing such food, apparatus, utensil or vessel
seized under sub-section (3), leave the same in the custody of the person from
whose possession, custody or control the same was seized or in such safe
custody as he may deem fit, so as to be dealt with as hereinafter provided; and
he may at any time thereafter remove the same to the custody of the Local
Authority concerned.
(5) (a) When any food, apparatus, utensil or
vessel is seized under sub-section (3), it may be destroyed by the officer
making the seizure with consent in writing of the owner or the person in whose
possession, custody or control it is found.
(b) If any food seized under sub-section (3)
is of a perishable nature and is, in the opinion of the Inspector unsound,
unwholesome or unfit for human consumption, it may be destroyed without such
consent but in the presence of two respectable witnesses.
(6) An
Inspector shall prepare a statement describing the food, apparatus or utensil
seized and shall deliver a copy thereof to the local Authority and to person
from whose custody the food, apparatus or utensil is seized or, if such person
be not present, send such copy to him by post.
(7) (a) Any person claiming anything seized
under sub-section (3) may within seven days of the seizure complain to any
Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction at the place of seizure, who
after making such enquiry as he may deem necessary, may either confirm or
disallow such seizure wholly or in part or may order the article to be restored
to the claimant.
(b) If the Magistrate confirms the seizure,
the food, apparatus, utensil or vessel, as the case may be forfeited to the
Food Authority concerned or the Magistrate may direct that such food,
apparatus, utensil or vessel may be destroyed or disposed of at the cost of the
owner or person in whose possession, custody or control it was found at the
time seizure in such manner as to prevent the same being again sold, kept
stored or used as food or for the manufacture or preparation of, or for
containing, any such food.
(8) If
no complaint is made within the said period of seven days, the article of food
or the apparatus, utensil or vessel, as the case may be, seized shall be
confiscated to the food Authority concerned.
18. Purchase of samples, etc.(1) An Inspector may, for the purpose of
analysis purchase a sample of food
(a) in
(b) sold,
offered for sale, hawked about, kept or stored or received for the purpose of
preparing or manufacturing therewith any food; or
(c) Kept
or stored in a market godown, shop, stall, hotel, restaurant or eating house
for the purpose of trade or received therein for the purpose of preparing or
manufacturing therewith any food.
(2) No
person shall refuse to sell food to an Inspector intending to purchase for the
purpose of sub-section (1) in such reasonable quantity and from such container
as he may ask for.
Explanation.The purchase or sale of a sample of any food
for the purpose of analysis under this Act shall be deemed to be purchased or
sold for human consumption or use.
(3) If,
in contravention of sub-section (2), any person refuses to sell the food to the
Inspector, the Inspector may without prejudice to any penalty to which such
person may be liable for such contravention, seize such quantity of the food as
may appear to him to be necessary, and shall give such person a certificate
showing the price, nature and quantity of the food seized, the date, time and
place of seizure, and on demand being made in that behalf, the price of the
food seized.
(4) The
Inspector shall prepare in such form as may be prescribed, a declaration in
triplicate containing full particulars relating to the sample seized and such
declaration shall be signed or marked both by the Inspector and the person from
whose possession, custody or control the food has been seized, and a copy
thereof shall be given to such person.
When a sample is taken from the stock in the possession of a commission
agent, he shall be bound to give the name and such other particulars of the
person on whose behalf such stock is held by him as the Inspector may require.
19. Right of private persons to have samples
analyzed.(1) Any person may
make an application in writing to an Inspector asking him to purchase a sample
of such food and from such person as may be specified in the application and to
submit such sample to the Public Analyst for analysis.
The cost of the sample purchased and of the analysis done under
sub-section (1) shall be payable by the person making the application:
Provided that, in case the sample is found by
the Public Analyst to be adulterated, any amounts paid by the applicant under
this sub-section shall be refunded to him.
20. Method of taking samples.(1) An inspector after purchasing or
procuring or seizing any food with intention of submitting the same for analysis
shall, forthwith, divide the food in three parts to be then and there separated
and each part shall be marked, sealed or fastened in such mariner as the nature
of the case will permit; and the person from whom the sample is taken may, if
he so desires, also affix his seal or mark on each of the three parts.
(2) An
Inspector shall.
(a) if
required to do so deliver one part to the person from whom the article is
purchased or seized or the sample is taken;
(b) retain
one part for future comparison; and
(c) submit
one part to the Public Analyst:
that where the sample is taken from any food which is about to be imported or
is in transit or at the place of delivery to the purchaser, consumer or
consignee or is unclaimed, the first-mentioned part of the sample shall be
retained by Inspector, unless the name and address of the consignor appear on
the container containing the article sampled, in which case he shall forward
that part to the consignor by registered post or otherwise, together with a notice
informing that person that the sample would be analyzed by the Public Analyst.
21. Certificate of Analyst.(1) The Public Analyst upon receiving any
food or a sample of food from the Inspector shall, as soon as possible, analyze
the same and deliver or send to the Inspector forwarding the sample, on payment
of such fees as may be prescribed, certificate in the form specified in the
Schedule showing the result of the analysis.
(2) A
copy of such certificate may be obtained from the Public Analyst by the person
from whom the article so analyzed was purchased or obtained on payment of a fee
of five hundred rupees.
(3) No
person shall display any such copy on his premises or use copy as an
22. Power of Government to have articles
analyzed.Government may, in
relation to any matter appearing to it to affect the general interests of the
consumers of any food, direct any public servant shall have all the powers of
an Inspector under this Act.
Provided that.
(a) the
public servant upon receiving the certificate of the Public Analyst shall take
proceedings or cause proceedings to be taken as if he himself had caused such
analysis to be made;
(b) any
fee prescribed for such analysis, the cost of the sample and the expenditure
incurred in procuring it, including the traveling allowance, if any, of the
public servant procuring the same shall be payable by the Local Authority of
the area from where the sample is procured.
23. Penalties.(1) Whoever contravenes provisions of Section
12, or 21, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term
which may extend to three years or with fine or with both.
(2) Whoever
contravenes the provisions of Sections7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 18, shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five
years or with fine or with both but the term of imprisonment shall not be less
than six months and the fine shall not be less than five thousand rupees.
(3) Whoever
contravenes the provision of Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, or 13 shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years
and with fine, but the term of imprisonment shall not be less than one year and
the fine shall not be less than five thousand rupees.
24. Power to try summarily.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 any Magistrate for the time
being empowered to try in a summary way the offences specified in sub-section
(1) of ection 260 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 may try summarily any
offence made punishable under Clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 23 of
this Act or sub-section (2) of the said section in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter XX11 of that Code.
25. Presumption.In every prosecution under this Act relating
to any food the Court shall presume.
(a) that
any food found in possession of any person, who is or has been habitually found
manufacturing, selling, keeping, storing, offering or exposing for sale or hawking
about such food, was being manufactured, sold, kept, stored, offered or exposed
for sale or hawked about by such person;
(b) that
any food commonly used for human consumption is sold, kept or stored for human
(c) that
any food commonly used for the preparation or manufacture of such food, was
intended to be prepared or manufactured for human consumption;
(d) that
any substance capable of being used in the manufacture or preparation of any
food commonly used for human consumption, which is found on premises in which
such food is manufactured or prepared, was intended to be used in the
manufacture or preparation of such food;
(e) that
any food is not of the nature, substance or quality it purports to be, if it is
deficient in any of its normal constituents to the extent specified in the
rules made under this Act or if any extraneous matter has been added to it in
contravention of such rule.
26. Declaration under Section 18 to be
evidence.A declaration
signed or marked Under sub-section (4) of Section 18 may be produced as
evidence of the fact contained therein in any enquiry, trial or other
proceedings under this Act.
27. Certificate of Public Analyst to be
evidence of fact therein stated.(1) The production in any enquiry, trial or other proceedings under
this Act of a certificate under the hand of a Public Analyst in the form
specified in the schedule shall, until the contrary is proved, be sufficient
evidence of the facts therein stated.
When any person is accused of an offence under this Act, he may require
the Court to summon as a witness the Public Analyst who analyzed the food or
sample of food in respect of which he is accused of having committed an offence
and the Court may, and shall, in every case in which the accused deposits in
the Court a sum of money in accordance with the sale prescribed, summon the
Public Analyst and if such person is acquitted, any sum of money so deposited
shall be refunded to him.
28. Analysis by Chemical Examiner.(1) The Court may of its own accord or on the
request of the accused cause any food or sample of food to be sent for analysis
to the Chemical Examiner to Government who shall thereupon with all convenient
speed analyze the same and report the result of the analysis to the Court in
the form specified in the schedule, and the cost of such analysis shall be paid
by the accused if the Court so directs.
(2) The
certificate of the Chemical Examiner to Government shall, until the contrary is
proved, be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated, but if the Court
considers it necessary in the interests of justice it may summon him to give
evidence in connection with the certificate issued by him and in such a case
the cost of summoning the Chemical Examiner to Court shall be paid by the
accused or the Local Authority as the Court may direct.
(3) The
provisions of sub-section (3) of section 21, shall apply in respect of the
report of the Chemical Examiner.
29. What is or is not a good defence in a
prosecution under the Act.(1)
In any prosecution under this Act relating to any food it shall be no defence
to allege
(a) that
the accused was ignorant of the nature, substance or quality of the food; or
(b) that
the purchaser having bought only for analysis was prejudiced.
The seller shall not be deemed to have committed an offence under this
Act if he proves.
(a) that
the food sold was purchased or obtained as agent by him as being of the same
nature, substance or quality as that demanded by the purchaser and with written
warranty to the effect that it was of such nature, substance, or quality;
(b) that
he had no reason to believe at the time when he sold it that the food was not
of such nature, substance or quality as required; and
(c) that
he sold it in the same state in which he purchased it.
(3) No
evidence of a warranty under clause (a) of sub-section (2) shall be admissible
on behalf of the seller
(a) Unless
the seller has on or before the first day of hearing of the case in the court
against him sent to the Inspector a copy of the warranty (together with a
translation thereof in English) with notice stating that he intends to rely on
it and specifying the name and address of the person from whom he received it
and has also sent a like notice of his intention to the person; and
(b) Unless
such warranty is given by a person permanently residing or carrying on business
in Pakistan.
(4) The
Court shall summon the warrantor as a co-accused if it admits the warranty on
behalf of the seller.
30. Forfeiture of food upon conviction.In the case of any conviction under this Act
the convicting Magistrate may order that any food to which the conviction,
relates, together with all packages or vessels containing the same, shall be
confiscated to Government and disposed of as the Magistrate may direct.
31. Expenses of analysis to be paid by
offenders on conviction.When
any person is convicted of an offence under this Act, the convicting Magistrate
shall order that all fees and other expenses incidental to the analysis of any
food in respect of which the conviction is made, which shall in no case be less
than one thousand rupees, be paid by the person convicted, in addition to the
fine, if any, which he may be sentenced to pay and the amount of such fees and
expenses may be recovered as if it were a fine.
32. Offences under the Act not to be tried by
a Magistrate exercising lesser power than Magistrate of the First Class.No offence under this Act or the rules made
thereunder shall be triabal by a Magistrate exercising powers less than those
of a Magistrate of the First Class.
33. Cognizance of offences.Offences under this Act shall be cognizable
and non-bailable.
34. Protection of action taken under the Act.No suit, prosecution or other legal
proceedings shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith
done or intended to be done in pursuance of any provision of this Act.
35. Inspector to be deemed public servant.An Inspector while exercising any of the
functions conferred upon him by or under this Act and all other persons
assisting him in discharging such functions shall be deemed to be public
servants within the meaning of Section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860
(XLVof 1860).
36. Power of Government to appoint public
servant to exercise the function of any Local Authority.(1) If the Deputy Commissioner of a district
receives information from the Director or has reason to believe that a Local
Authority has failed to execute or enforce any of the provisions of this Act in
relation to any food and that the failure effects the general interest of the
consumers, he may, after making such inquiry from the Local Authority as he
thinks fit, by order, empower any public servant to execute or enforce these
provisions or to procure the execution or enforcement thereof in relation to
such food and the order may fix a reasonable remuneration to be paid to such
public servant, and such remuneration together with any expenses incurred by
the public servant in performing the duties of the Local Authority under this
Act shall be paid by the Local Authority.
(2) If
the expenses and remuneration are not so paid, the Deputy Commissioner may make
an order directing any person who for the time being has custody of any money
on behalf of the Local Authority, as its officer, treasurer, banker or
otherwise, to pay such expenses and remuneration from such moneys as he may
have in his hands or may from time to time receive, and such person shall be
bound to obey such order.
(3) When
the Deputy Commissioner makes any order under this section, he shall forthwith
forward to the Home Secretary and to the Local Authority affected thereby a
copy of the order with a statement of the reason for making it, and it shall be
in the discretion of the Home Secretary to rescind the order, or to direct that
it may continue in force with or without modifications.
(4) The
Home Secretary forthwith submit to Government a report of every case occurring
under this section, and Government may confirm, revise or modify the order, or
make in respect thereof any other order which the Home Secretary could have
Provided that no order of the Deputy
Commissioner or the Home Secretary passed under this section shall be
confirmed, revised, or modified by Government without giving the Local
Authority a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against such order.
37. Delegation.Government may delegate all or any of its
powers and functions under this Act to the Director or any other officer by
name or designation.
38. Power to make rules.(1) Government may frame rules for the
purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act.
(2) In
particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power,
Government may frame rules.
(a) prescribing
the qualifications of person who may be appointed public analysts for the
purpose of this Act;
(b) Regulating
the appointment and qualifications of persons to be appointed as Inspectors
under this Act;
(c) Prescribing
the methods of analysis to be followed by public Analysts for the analysis of
any food;
(d) Fixing
the fee to be paid in respect of the analysis of any food by a public Analyst;
(e) Prohibiting
the use of any particular matter or ingredient in the manufacture or
preparation of any food;
(f) specifying
the conditions (which include the addition of a colour or any other substance)
subject to which any food shall be manufactured, sold, kept, stored, offered or
exposed for sale;
(g) Prohibiting
the keeping or storage of foods other than those approved under rules;
(h) securing
the cleanliness and free from contamination of any food in the course of its
manufacture, preparation, storage, packing, carriage, delivery or exposure for
sale, and securing the cleanliness of places, receptacles, packages, wrappings,
appliances and vehicles used in such manufacture, preparation, storage,
carriage or delivery;
(i) Prescribing
the method, in which labels shall be affixed, languages in which the labels
shall be printed and symbols which shall be used for different kinds of food;
(j) Prescribing
the manner in which, and the conditions subject to which a license is to be
granted under Section 11;
(k) Prescribing
the form, and the particulars to be entered in the register to be kept under
Section 12;
(l) Authorizing
a person taking a sample of milk or any other food for the purpose of analysis
to add preservatives to such samples for maintaining it in a suitable condition
for analysis and regulating the nature and method of addition of such
(m) Prohibiting
the use or addition as a preservative of any article, material, or substance in
the manufacture or preparation for sale of any food;
(n) Prescribing
the fees which a local Authority may levy for the grant of a license; and
(o) Prescribing
the fees to be deposited in Court for summoning a public Analyst.
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