


 Naveed Younas Son Of

 Muhammad Younas  R/O

 Muriddkay city and district Shiekupura.


Subject  :(  Legall notice for recovery of balance amount )


 It is to inform you by this notice that as per the agreement between you and me in which you hire me for legall work in your two cases namely under the title (1)Asma shehzadi Vs Rana Khaddim Hussain (2)Writ for Habeas Corpuss.That I completed whole legal proceeding of your cases faithfully. But you did not pay my fee and expensis. So, you are hereby informed through this legall notice to pay my fee and expensis within 15 days after receiving this legal notice otherwise, I have the remedy to initiate legal proceeding against you. 




                                                     Muhammad Sheraz Javaid

                                                     Advocate High Court
